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Demonstrate the use of digital technology to support and enhance in managing occupational safety and health issues. (A3, PLO6)
2010 Hot Work Accident at DuPont Buffalo, New York Accidents in the workplace occur for a number of reasons. It may result a minimal or tragic, causing minor injury, damage to equipment or even in some cases, major injury or death. Employees need to stay alert and aware at all times to avoid accidents, while managers need to know the most common causes for workplace accidents and be able to identify the risk factors early to prevent it.
Visit the youtube link above and watch the animation of 2010 Hot Work Accident at DuPont Buffalo, New York. Analyze the chronological events leading to the tragedy and engage in a discussion about the accident’s causes, considering both the Domino Theory and Multiple Causation Theory perspectives.
Based on the animation of 2010 Hot Work Accident at DuPont Buffalo, New York, produce and submit a power point slides which consist of the FOUR (4) safety and health program which could be proposed to the management to prevent the re-occurrence of the same accident in future.
Copy and paste each of power point slides into the same TASK 1 report file. Please ensure the clarity of your slide content. Each word page should accommodate maximum 2 power points slides only (as per diagram A example below).
Follow the following instruction:
• Join a discussion group in the myINSPIRE forum and discuss the topic given below:
“2010 Hot Work Accident at DuPont Buffalo, New York: Safety Recommendations”
Do the following:
1. Select the best FIVE (5) of your postings from the forum discussion set up by your tutor.
2. Do screenshots of the postings and paste them into your report together with DOCUMENTATION on PART I.
3. The screenshots should be in an image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the sample of Screen Grab below.
4. The screenshots should contain: Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date and Time.
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