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The newly graduated nurses will start their career in the hospital setting either in the government or private sector. they need a program that can help them to bloom and transition from just novice to professional nurses. it is just as important for experienced nurses when they are transferring from another unit or from a different hospital where they need to adapt to the different work environments. this is where the preceptorship program plays an important role in developing this new nurse.
High-quality nursing services are in growing demand. Various educational training programs have been applied to improve the competencies of nursing personnel (Hickey, 2010), but nurse turnover rates are still a problem for nursing organizations. In particular, the turnover rate is still high due to new nurses not adapting to their hospital (Korea Hospital Nurses Association, 2018). Helping new nurses adapt to the organization has become even more important for nursing organizations than selecting competent new nurses. Previous studies have reported that the resilience, self-efficacy, and task proficiency of new nurses and the empathy, positive encouragement, psychological support, and praise from colleagues could promote organizational socialization among new nurses (Choi & Yang, 2012; Yoo, et al., 2012).
It is imperative to increase the number of dedicated clinical preceptors. Guidance and support need to be provided to consider this new role, helping them build confidence and enthusiasm as they develop their expertise.
The nurse manager has responsibility for assuring the competency of staff members in precepting the new nurses. When nurse managers and preceptors collaborate effectively, new staff members develop professionally, and competency flourishes. Effective collaboration between manager and preceptor identifies staff members’ learning needs accurately and facilitates staff learning. Together, the manager and educator employ a variety of tools to identify the learning needs of staff. The educator may survey staff members about their perceived learning needs.
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