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“The ESG indices have become an indispensable tool not only to measure a corporation’s sustainability efforts but also to channel sustainable strategic competitive advantage business firms”.
Critically evaluate the accuracy and relevancy of the statement above.
This is a statement-based individual task. In a statement-based assignment, students must critically evaluate the extent of truth, accuracy, and relevancy of the statement in the current and future applications within the business context. Do not assume that the statement is flawless, but instead, students must usurp a critical approach in ascertaining the correctness of this statement.
In grading this sort of work, examiners are looking at the candidate’s character, opinion as well as their ability to reason. To begin with this sort of coursework, it is naturally imperative for students to identify the key words raised in the statement. The keywords in the statement could be as follows:
The statement raises the key notes above reflecting a one-sided appraisal of ESG as “the” designated tool to measure a firm’s sustainability performance. Is this approach correct? Is ESG an omnipotent concept? Is it unchallengeable? The question after the statement requires you to analyze the points and conclude if the statement is either “accurate” or is it still “relevant” today? At the end of your work, the examiner must be able to discern from your answer to what extent the statement is still accurate or relevant in the current business context. To aid students in scaffolding their answers, I will post a few questions that might be relevant for your analysis.
Please note that these questions are not at all exhaustive!
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