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SOPA1035 Social Policy & Pedagogy
BA (Hons) Early Years Education
In this assignment, you will consider a case study that demonstrates social pedagogy in action. You will then write an essay that explains the possible benefits of this approach, considering the children’s and parent’s learning and social participation. You will evaluate the thinking behind the project, the methods used and what the outcomes were. You are encouraged to reflect awareness of child participation in society as active citizens, and to consider the community context of early childhood education.
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Cikgu Aminah teaches preschool class in SK TanahAbang, Mersing. She hails from the west coast of peninsular Malaysia. The school is approximately 100km from the small town of Mersing at the South-east of peninsular Malaysia. She has been teaching in this school for 3 years. Her students are 100% orang asli and stays in the orang asli villages around. The
government has helped set up these villages equipped with water and electricity supply as well as roads.
Though some of the parents works in the plantation, many still depends on the jungle for their livelihood, a lifestyle passed down from generations, which they find it difficult to give up. The parents are mainly illiterate. However more of them realise the importance of education for their kids now compare to 10 years ago. Cikgu Aminah looks forward to seeing her students every day, they are an enthusiastic lot and takes great delight in things in the nature.
Cikgu Aminah’s class attendance is good, most of her students come to school daily, but the other classes in this school are not so lucky, many do not come to school regularly, some children would follow their parents to the jungle for 2-3 months in search of rattan and food.
Generally, orang asli do not like formal kind of teaching and learning, the preschool curriculum attracts them due to the thematic approach and non-formal atmosphere where students have more freedom to move about in the classroom. In order to attract them to school the Ministry of Education has formulated an adjusted curriculum and modules for the lower primary orang asli school.
The curriculum taps on the methodology used in preschools where modules are used and parents are invited to school to participate. Food
is provided during these activities and food such as flour and bread are distributed to these children and parents after the activities. This is important as ‘one day without work’ means ‘one day without food supply’. With the implementation of these modules more orang asli children are attending schools regularly.
When planning your essay, you will need to make sure you cover ALL the course criteria. Here’s a sample ‘prompt questions may help you in planning for each of the assessment criteria.
Note: You do not need to cover all of these prompt-questions in your answer, you may, in fact, choose to raise different discussion questions of your own instead, if you feel suitable/appropriate.
1. How did this initiative benefit children in the Early Years? Embed child developmental theory into your answer, including reflection on early intervention to support children with additional educational needs.
Show awareness of different ways of viewing early childhood
education drawing from sociology, psychology and philosophy and other disciplines.
Explore ecological theories of child development describing relevant
social and cultural factors.
2. Why was it important to support parents to work in partnership with practitioners to support the children? How were children and their families supported through this scheme? How did this support “Inclusion”?
Reflect on international approaches to Early Childhood Education so
that they may begin to recognise different social pedagogies.
Use the skills of analysis by comparing curricular models in terms of
content and underpinning principles.
Begin to recognize key Acts and Legislation that continue to shape the
child’s social environment and their educational provision.
3. What do you think the long-term outcomes for this project were likely to be in term of social pedagogy and learning and development of very young children?
Consider the impact of the children’s rights movement on the way
children and young people are perceived, drawing on your own experiences of children/childhood.
Explain social agency and active child participation in society.
4. Why do you think early years settings were chosen as the venues for this programme?
How is this linked to Social Policy?
Use the skills of analysis by comparing curricular models in terms of
content and underpinning principles.
Begin to recognize Acts and Legislation that continue to shape the
child’s social environment and their educational provision.
5. Why do you think parental involvement is considered to be a critical factor in the development of children? Embed theory into your discussion.
Show awareness of different ways of viewing early childhood
education drawing from sociology, psychology and philosophy and other disciplines.
Reflect on international approaches to Early Childhood Education to
show you recognize different social pedagogies.
Use the skills of analysis by comparing curricular models in terms of
content and underpinning principles.
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