PSY3150: Do men and women experience romantic jealousy differently? Address this in relation to relevant theories and empirical evidence: Psychology-Role of Violent Mass Media Assignment, DC, Malaysia


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PSY3150: Psychology-Role of Violent Mass Media

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Do men and women experience romantic jealousy differently? Address this in relation to relevant theories and empirical evidence

The Role of Violent Mass Media in Promoting Violent Behaviour: Television, Film and Video Games The turn of the twentieth century brought about a monumental shift in the social environment that we live in today. The advent of the internet, social networking, and advancements in technology have all led to the creation of a continuously connected, online world in which mass media influences all aspects of daily life.

While primarily beneficial, one aspect of media has been widely debated as causing distinctly deleterious effects on consumers and society in general (Huesmann & Taylor, 2006). This aspect is media violence. In 2010, one study found that American children consumed seven hours of entertainment media a day (Rideout, Foehr, & Roberts, 2010).

Meanwhile, another study found that a majority of this media contained violent content (Thompson, Tepichin, & Haninger, 2006). Over the years, researchers across countries have investigated the link between violent media depictions and violent behaviour. The majority of findings propose a very direct link between increases in media consumption and corresponding increases in
violent behaviour.

However, before embarking on our critical appraisal of current literature, it must be impressed upon the reader that multiple factors interact to produce violent behaviour. Thus, media violence must be regarded as one of a number of factors that predispose violent behaviour and not the sole cause of violence in and of itself.

Be that as it may, research has suggested that for adolescents through to middle-aged adults, the best single predictor of violence is the manifestation of childhood aggression, which is influenced by violent media (Huesmann, Eron, & Dubow, 2003).

For the purposes of this review, media violence is defined as portrayals of physical aggression perpetrated by one human being against another while violent behaviour pertains to extreme forms of physical aggression that pose the risk of significant injury to the receiving party (Huesmann & Taylor, 2006). The aim of this review is, therefore, to critically evaluate the role of violent mass media in promoting violent

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