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Professional values have always been considered integral to the profession. Values shape the direction of the profession, and in many ways, members of the general public evaluate the profession if the practitioners adhere strongly to the values that they cherish. Part of the value system enshrined will be the code of ethics that shapes the ethical practice of the practitioners.
The current study is undertaken to explore the factors influencing the professional values of public relations practitioners. Kruckeberg (1998) said that public relations, as a profession or occupation, has its own set of professional values, curricular needs, beliefs, and theories of both humankind and society. Professional values aimed to encourage discipline, excellence, and service ethics in the “new professions”.
Wong (2011) mentioned that professional values play an integral role in maintaining the viability of a profession. This highlights the significance of
professional values to a profession. Explaining core professional values allows
professionals to convey their societal contributions to the public, and conceptualize their work. Grunig (2000) stated that professional values in public relations can be considered the centre of ethical decision-making.
The ethics of public relations include the application of professional and personal values of individuals besides the values of the public and clients or organizations. Nearly all public relations national organizations or associations have their professional code of ethics. Most of these organizations emphasize educating their members about professional standards.
They have the right to blame or expel practitioners who violate their professional ethics, or who have been convicted of a crime in a court of law. Schank & Weis (2001) said that the development of professional values occurs through a series of connected practices, beginning during the years of practice and experience of professional education.
In the workplace, this development is considered an essential part of the professional socialization of practitioners. Practitioners in Malaysia are suggested to have good skills, education or basic knowledge, and experience in the public relations field to have a major role in an organization.
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