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The assessment of this assignment will cover all of the following learning outcomes:
K1 Critically analyze the management of innovation and technology transfer as a core business process.
K2 Critically evaluate the choices and challenges in building and managing an innovative organization.
K3 Reflect upon and critically evaluate the key attributes in capturing learning from Innovation and technology transfer.
S1 Demonstrate an ability to critically appraise theories of managing innovation and technology transfer in the 21st century.
S2 Evaluate the assessment of viable concepts, models, and techniques in order to identify ease of transmission for the adoption and/or application of managing innovation and technology transfer.
Technology has come a long way in delivering efficiency and effectiveness. Over the last few technological waves, innovation disruptions have brought creative destruction and, at the same time, created new giants across different industries. Rising technological trends such as bio-revolution applied AI, and trust architecture, amongst others, have gained traction and are on a trajectory to achieve a critical mass of adoption to be part of our lives.
The academic report in the form of a journal paper, excluding appendices, should be 3000 words in length.
For your guidance, it will consist of:
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