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1. You are required to perform a group that may consist of FIVE (5) persons per group.
2. You are required to select any one of the journals that are related to this topic:
a. Capital structure.
b. Cost of capital.
3. Prepare the report based on the terms and conditions below: –
Terms and conditions:
An a. You must come out with a PDF report.
b. Your report should have all these sections:
Summary of the article- minimum is two pages.
Brief the issues to discuss from the journal and you can add other
discussions from other sources to support your issues- the minimum is five pages.
iii. SECTION 3
Conclusion – 1-page
c. The font size should be 12 and the font type is ‘Times New Roman’.
d. 1.15 spacing.
e. This report must be around 10 pages.
f. For a cover page, you must INCLUDE:
i. UNISEL logo
ii. Name of subject and code
iii. Tittles or topics
iv. Name of group members with student id. no.
v. Date of submission