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Personality tests are systematic assessments that aim to measure various aspects of someone’s personality and behaviours, what drives them to succeed and more (Tony Robbins 2022). Today there are many different personality tests, and the one that’s right for your situation depends on your answer to the question, “Why should I take a personality test?” The most common personality tests include the DISC assessment, the Caliper Profile, the 16 Personality Factors, the SHL Occupational Personality Test, the MyersBriggs test and the MMPI.
Choose one of the Personality Test tools mentioned above or any other Personality Test tools, and conduct a Personality Test on yourself. In preparing this Assignment, you are required to:
1. Review your own profile by focusing on your strengths and weaknesses. Focus shall be on the following areas:
• Communication style.
• Style of interacting with people and situations.
• Leadership quality.
• Motivations.
• Preferences/Interests.
• Values, attitudes, mood, and emotional make-up.
2. Ascertain whether your current profile is able to match with your current job or position and the company culture.
3. Critically evaluate how your own profile needs to be adapted or enhanced to
strengthen your performance in your present job or position. Provide a critical
review with literature support
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