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Financial Accounting & Reporting 4 Assignment, UUM, Malaysia

Select ONE (1) Public listed company which undergone business combination (takeover, join venture, mergers and acquisition) and locate annual report for the selected company from Bursa Malaysia ( before and after the business combination which explains the combination. Students have to register the company that they selected with the lecturer.…

Anda dikehendaki menyediakan ulasan kritis dengan membincangkan konsep asas pedagogi, kluster pedagogi, peranan guru: Pedagogi Tugasan 1, Malaysia

TUGASAN 1: Ulasan Kritis (1000 patah perkataan) (30%) Berdasarkan artikel/ jurnal, anda dikehendaki menyediakan ulasan kritis dengan membincangkan konsep asas pedagogi, kluster pedagogi, peranan guru dan murid dalam kluster pedagogi dan hubungannya dengan konsep pembelajaran bermakna serta impak terhadap kompetensi pembelajaran global 6C. Arahan Pelaksanaan Tugasan 1 Tugasan ini merupakan…

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CBWP2203 Tugasan : Sep 2024 – Pengaturcaraan Web, OUM, Malaysia

PURPOSE Tujuan tugasan ini adalah untuk menilai keupayaan pelajar dalam membangunkan laman web, menunjukkan kebolehan mereka dalam reka bentuk web dan pelaksanaan pelbagai bahasa skrip. SOALAN 1 Dalam era digital masa kini, portal akademik berfungsi sebagai platform penting untuk institusi pendidikan mempersembahkan penawaran akademik mereka dan berhubung dengan pelajar, fakulti,…

CBWP2203 Assignment OUM : Sep 2024 – Web Programming

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION The purpose of this assignment is to assess students' ability to develop a website, demonstrating their capability in web design and the implementation of various scripting languages. REQUIREMENT / ASSIGNMENT QUESTION Task 1 In today's digital age, an academic portal serves as a vital platform for educational institutions…

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ABCC1103 Assignment OUM – May 2024 Semester: Introduction To Communication

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION PURPOSE The aim of this assignment is to assess students' capacity to formulate holistic solutions in addressing challenges and ethical concerns within effective communication processes across diverse contexts. This requires a demonstration of comprehension regarding the critical factors influencing communication dynamics and their influence on successful interactions. REQUIREMENT…

ABCC1103 Tugasan OUM – Semester Mei 2024 Pengenalan Kepada Komunikas

SOALAN TUGASAN TUJUAN Matlamat tugasan ini adalah untuk menilai keupayaan pelajar merumuskan penyelesaian holistik dalam menangani cabaran dan kebimbangan etika bagi proses komunikasi yang berkesan merentas pelbagai konteks. Ini memerlukan demonstrasi kefahaman mengenai faktor kritikal yang mempengaruhi dinamik komunikasi dan pengaruhnya terhadap interaksi yang berjaya. KEPERLUAN Dalam komunikasi, kegagalan sering…

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OUMH1603 OUM Assignment – May 2024 Semester : Learning Skills For 21st Century

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION This assignment encourages students to think critically about the evolving landscape of education and the skills necessary to thrive in the 21st century. It aims to foster a deeper understanding of what it means to be a learner in today's world. PART I Task 1: Essay (30 marks)…

OUMH1603 Tugasan OUM – Semester Mei 2024: Kemahiran Belajar Untuk Abad Ke-21

SOALAN TUGASAN Tugasan ini menggalakkan pelajar berfikir secara kritis tentang landskap pendidikan yang berkembang dan kemahiran yang diperlukan untuk berkembang maju dalam abad ke-21. Ia bertujuan untuk memupuk pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang makna menjadi seorang pelajar dalam dunia hari ini. BAHAGIAN I Tugasan 1: Esei (30 markah) Bincang dan…

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Tutorial 2a: Qualitative Data : Statistics for Social Sciences, UNITAR, Malaysia

Instructions: Tutorial 2a: Qualitative Data Question 1  A sample of 25 young executives was taken at random. Each executive was asked to choose only one of the five listed models of national cars according to their preference; Myvi, Saga, Viva, Persona, and Alza. Their responses are as follows: a. Construct…

Lamanila Fusion Sdn Bhd is a company incorporated in Malaysia. The company is principally engaged as bakers, proprietors of restaurants : Accounting Assignment, Malaysia

Assessment A You are given 45 minutes to complete this assessment and please write down your answers on the blank A4 paper provided. Overview Lamanila Fusion Sdn Bhd is a company incorporated in Malaysia. The company is principally engaged as bakers, proprietors of restaurants, refreshments coffee houses and tea rooms. The company financial year end…

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BNNS 6304 Community Health Nursing, Assignment 1, LUC, Malaysia

Title: Essay (2000 words or 7-8 pages) Health education is part of community health nursing activities aim to increase health knowledge, instil positive values and inculcate good health practices. School communities are increasingly becoming places where healthy habits can flourish.The responsibility for teaching children healthy habits does not fall only…

MGT4423 Strategic Sourcing, Case Study, UPTM, Malaysia

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: 1. The assessments aim to fulfil CLO1 - Relate the procurement activities and processes to organisations' scenarios. (C3, PLO2) 2. The marks allocated for this assessment are 30%. 3. You need to prepare a report of 1,500 requirement. 2,000 words regarding the assessment 4. The general format…

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