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As a result of the colonial policy of “divide and rule” and that of not encouraging interaction between races, racial conflicts broke out in the country. The racial riot of 13 May 1969 for instance, erupted when racial tension was running high, especially as a consequence of a lack of understanding, tolerance, and affection.
Therefore, to realize national integration and the formation of a nation-state, the government learned from this tragic episode and enacted some policies to overcome the problems. Hence, policies like the R Buku Negara, the National Education Policy, the New Economic Policy, and the National Cultural Policy were introduced to the whole country so that its principles could be appreciated by every citizen, regardless of race.
The multiracial society that exists in Malaysia is a blessing in disguise. The diversity of people in this country should be appreciated by all as an opportunity to learn more about one another.
As nation , we should learn and understand about as well as accept the different races in this country so that there can be mutual understanding and tolerance among the groups. All the different groups should work together to develop the country now and in the future and learn from past mistakes so as not repeat them as we continue to build a strong nation that will withstand the test of time.
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In need of top-notch academic support in Malaysia? Look no further! Our team specializes in offering the Best Essay Writing Service In Malaysia and exceptional Malaysia assignment help for students enrolled at Lincoln University College (LUC). Specifically tailored for MPU3342 MALAYSIA GOVERNANCE & PUBLIC POLICY, we provide expert guidance and assistance in addressing the impact of historical policies like "divide and rule" on race interactions. Malaysian students can rely on our expertise to excel in their courses by seeking assistance from our dedicated professionals.