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This handbook gives an overview of the course procedures and regulations for your undergraduate dissertation. It should be read in conjunction with the material available on CANVAS and with the 2021/22 Undergraduate Student Handbook. Students are expected to familiarise themselves with the CANVAS site that supports their dissertation. If you have a question to which you cannot find the answer here, look at the FAQ section on CANVAS first.
The Undergraduate Dissertation gives you the opportunity to carry out an independent in-depth study on a topic of particular interest in an area related to your degree subject. It is not a taught course; you will be drawing on the skills and knowledge you have developed whilst studying for your degree and
especially any Research Methods course(s) you have taken. Throughout the course, you are responsible for your own learning and project management. You will be allocated a supervisor who will support and guide you through the dissertation process, but remember, the dissertation is your responsibility, from identifying an initial viable research idea to submitting the finished dissertation on time.
Your dissertation is effectively two courses, one each semester, each worth 15 credits. A total of 30 credits are awarded and assessed entirely on the basis of the final submitted written dissertation, with the exception of LINCS, see Section B. The criteria used in the assessment reflect the dissertation course learning outcomes, see appendix 1.
There are many resources in the library and on CANVAS to help you with your dissertation. You are expected to identify and use the library resources to extend your subject knowledge and research methods knowledge.
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