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Part B
Write a short essay of about 800 words (+/-10%) on K. S. Maniam’s The Return. In your essay, identify a conflict on the theme of change that is explored in the novel and argue as to which side–if any–the text seems to favour; if it does not appear to favour any side, then make a case for what the novel is saying about change. Provide evidence to support your interpretation of the novel, while acknowledging how others might interpret the evidence differently.
Conclude by offering your own viewpoint about what you think the novel is saying about change. Given that this is a relatively short essay compared to the novel, your argument will be best served by focusing on a particular aspect of the text. Your essay must adhere to the MLA citation style. There is no need to refer to secondary sources (i.e. any other text or materials besides the novel) to write the essay.
However, you are required to demonstrate a familiarity with how to cite evidence from the novel, whether by direct quotation or paraphrase, using the MLA style. Please ensure that you provide a full bibliographic citation of the novel at the end of your essay.