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Question 2
The Sunrise Corporation requires RM150,000 in short-term projects for 270 days. The management team has identified four suitable sources for the project as the followings:
Source 1
Forego trade credit with the following terms: 2/10, net 40.
Source 2
Issue two commercial papers at a 12% annual interest rate with a placement fee of RM2,000 per paper. The par value of each paper is RM75,000.
Source 3
Borrow from Bank Alley at 12% per annum on a discount basis with 5% compensating balance requirement. Sunrise Corporation normally maintains an account of RM5,000 in the bank.
Source 4
The firm has a revolving credit agreement amounting to RM250, 000. The commitment fee on the unused loan portion is 2%. The annual interest rate on the loan is 1.5% above the current rate of 9% and there is a compensating balance requirement of 10% on the unused loan amount.
i. Calculate the effective costs of the above sources of financing (16 marks)
ii. State which financial source should be chosen by the Sunrise Corporation and discuss why.
Looking for a cheap assignment helper for your studies at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Corporate Finance? Our services offer Report Writing Help and support for Group Assignments. Specifically, if you're tackling the financial needs of The Sunrise Corporation, requiring RM150,000 for short-term projects over 270 days for your Group Assignment in Corporate Finance at UiTM, our experts are available. Malaysian students seeking affordable yet quality assistance can rely on our professionals, ensuring success in comprehending financial concepts and excelling in your UiTM coursework.