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Electric vehicles (EVs) offer several benefits toward global sustainability. However, the driving range of an electric vehicle is significantly limited by its battery capacity and charging rate, recent electric vehicles are not suitable for long-distance travel. Therefore, it is important to investigate their dynamic charging technology and improve the current roadway infrastructure to support more electric vehicles.
To accelerate EV electrification, this study aims to examine the wireless dynamic charging roads by using Capacitive Power Transfer (CPT), coupling capacitors are utilized to transfer power from the source to the receiver. The idea is to investigate and analyse a technology that enables electric vehicles to be continuously charged when they move along electric roadways.
Investigate the impact of transmitter plate self-inductance on power transfer efficiency and system resonance at different operating frequencies for powering electric vehicles (EVs) in urban environments.
To analyze the technical challenges and limitations of wireless power transfer (WPT) systems for dynamic capacitive charging, including optimizing transmitter plate design, adjusting compensation circuit parameters, or implementing advanced control techniques.
To evaluate the technical feasibility and economic viability of implementing electric roadway systems for dynamic capacitive power transfer (CPT) charging of electric vehicles.
Software Tools: Matlab/Simulink,
In real applications, there are three major challenges in a long-track dynamic CPT system: