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Dwyer et al. (2018) review on differences of the policy and business of digital media in Australia and South Korea by using Netflix as an example in this article. The authors gained data derived from relevant articles, reports, and industry interviews in order to understand the audio-visual markets and highlight Netflix’s success and failure in the two countries.
Their research focuses on the strategy that Netflix apply for global development and how differences in culture and society affect political and economic issues they need to concern. This article is suitable for my research topic as the authors mentioned that Netflix must change itself according to the local governance policy, culture, economy, and technology standards.
The limitation of this research is only comparing two countries to examine how Netflix makes changes to be successful. Thus, it is important to analyze more countries to have a deeper understanding of how Netflix grow and makes changes to their business to involve in different countries. This article will form the basis of my research topic as it does clearly state the reason cause Netflix made changes in two different countries.
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