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From the moment you wake up in the morning, animated cartoons
and powerful digital stories surround our daily life. Animation and
digital storytelling provide a myriad of opportunities for learning and
creating memorable memories in our life as the below proverb.
“Those who tell the stories rule the world.”
-A proverb from The Hopi Tribe-
1. To plan, generate, source, evaluate, refine, manipulate, edit, and present a short animation movie.
2. Apply creative digital project development for the animation process.
3. Create and manipulate various media types such as graphics, illustrations, character animation, and audio content using Adobe Animate, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Soundbooth and many more software.
4. Identify and utilize correct communication and presentation methodology.
5. Design and produce a remarkable short 2D animation that adopts the principles of animation.
6. Work in a team (3 @ 4 Persons per Group).
Project Brief:
You are required to make A SHORT 2D ANIMATION TEASER/ADVERTISING in 3-5 minutes (Min. 3 Minutes and Max. 5 Minutes). Your 2D animation should give good moral value at the beginning, or at the end of the story. The animation should be based on any of these GENRE/THEME below:
Project Group: 3 @ 4 Persons per Group
Animation is a method by which still figures are manipulated to appear as moving images. In traditional animation, images are drawn or painted by hand on transparent celluloid sheets to be photographed and exhibited on film. Meanwhile, 2D computer animation (which may have the look of traditional animation) can be used for stylistic reasons, low bandwidth, or faster real-time
renderings. A 2D animation product is an animation and motion graphic types of animation film, usually a short film, featuring an exaggerated visual style. Advances in vector art, puppeting, motion capture, and tweening helped evolve moving images from a niche in specialty TV and film onto banners, GIFs, YouTube cartoons, and live web events.
Where a studio of dedicated artists once worked around the clock for weeks to produce a few minutes of film, now an individual can put together a professional-quality clip in days or hours. Make your vision come alive with powerful 2D animation software such as Adobe Animate. While animators traditionally used to draw each part of the movements and changes of figures on transparent cellsthat could be moved over a separate background, computer animation is usually based on programming paths between keyframes to maneuver digitally created figures throughout a digitally created environment that can create a “2D ANIMATION PRODUCT”
You are supposed to develop a short 2D animation product using ADOBE ANIMATE with all the techniques that you’ve learned in class and in lab session. These are the requirements and needs for the project.
1. Characters revolving around this genre can either run in place or translate forward in space, but the feet should not slide. Like example, you can animate the character running however you like but:
a). It needs to be believable.
b). It needs to be good timing.
c). Convey a sense of weight and balance.
2. The short animation movie needs to ENCAPSULATE THE 12 CORE PRINCIPLES OF ANIMATION with a creative idea – organic, fair trade, healthy and simple. You can experiment with a pose of exaggeration and emotion, applied timing or appeal principles so that, despite the fact we are animating a cartoon character, our animations are still grounded in common sense physics. In addition, you need to create a short animation product that is both believable AND displays character that fit MALAYSIAN CULTURE/IDENTITY.
3. You should also indicate the main attraction of your animation or “hot spots” and “WOW” factor clearly. The information delivered through text and audio to the audience should be consistent so that the user is in control of the information being delivered. Avoid too much text on screen. Readability is appropriate for the intended audience. Graphic elements should fulfill specific
function and should not be distracting. The short animation product must suit the purpose/intent of the Malaysian culture/identity that is clearly conveyed to the audience. The content is integrated in a clear, concise, and easy to understand manner. Please make sure all required elements of content and presentation a satisfactorily accomplished.
4. Respect copyrights and intellectual property rights (AT LEAST 60% EDITED). You can also import the characters and elements that you had created from your previous lessons into the short animation product based on Malaysian Culture/Identity. The style should be a 2D animation using elements created in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Animate. The final outcome of this project will be presented in class in WEEK 14 and hosted in YOUTUBE that the team will upload before the final presentation.
Stage size: HD standard size
Video length: Between 3 minutes – 5 minutes.
1. The final file as a .FLA (in author)
2. The link of final short animation video upload in
A. Cover page (Course code, course name, section, project title, group member name and matric number & Lecturer’s name)
B. Introduction of the project
C. Project objective & aim
D. The purpose of the short animation product.
E. Describe the character in your short animation product.
F. Describe the storyline of your animation.
G. Describe the target audience (age, gender, interest, etc.)
H. Software used to develop your elements or assets with an explanation on which part in your 2D animation the assets were used by each software that you stated.
I. Outside resources needed (if applicable) – if you download your element or assets, please state in your report.
J. Describe the animation technique used in Adobe Animate (Motion tweens, Classic tweens, Inverse Kinematics, Shape tweens, Frame-by-frame, etc.)
K. Describe and explain in your own words the activities that you did during the development of your short animation movie based on the ANIMATION PROCESS
o Research
o Concept & Script
o Storyboard
o Visual Style
o Voiceover
o Animation
o Post-Production
L. Explanation of the principles of animation that you had applied.
o Explain each principle that you adopt in your short animation product.
o Explain with images of the animation being applied and time segment.
o Must apply all 12 principles of animation.
M. Problem faced during the development of your short animation product (if any).
o Summary of results
o Describe processes that did and did not work.
o Recommendations for enhancement of 2D short animation product
N. Describe the outcome of your 2D animation.
O. Conclusion – what will you get for the project
P. References (from any resources – Magazine, internet, books)
Q. YouTube link of your 2D animation product.
• Spacing: 1.5
• Typeface: Times New Roman
• Font size: 12
• Grammar: English (UK), proofread using free version Grammarly software
1. The final .pdf file in AUTHOR
You are required to prepare a PRESENTATION SLIDE for the evaluation of your short animation movie. This can also serve as a practice round for your future employment presentations.
• Presentation must be between 5-7 minutes.
• Begin by stating your short animation movie title, the name of each member.
• Explain your GENRE.
• Explain your STORYLINE.
• Explain your TARGET AUDIENCE.
• Show the timestamps of the PRINCIPLES OF ANIMATION that you had applied.
• The objective is solely to give you the opportunity to be creative and innovative and understand what your project is all about.
• You need to be dressed appropriately.
1. Slide in AUTHOR