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Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:
CLO1 Translate simple problem statements into programmable solutions using flow chart/pseudo code (C3, PLO2).
CLO2 Comprehend knowledge of basic and advanced programming concepts (C2, PLO1).
CLO3 Show the ability to write computer programs for a given problem statement (P4, PLO3).
1. Individual Assignment Description
Covid-19 Vaccination Record Management System
Coronavirus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a deadly virus that has caused a global pandemic. The virus causes respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. The World Health Organization (WHO) has named the disease caused by coronavirus as coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
As of now, there is no specific medication available nor drugs discovered for treating COVID-19 patients. Thus, hospitals usually provide supportive care to COVID-19 patients as part of their treatment procedure. This includes treatment to relieve symptoms, fluid therapy, oxygen support, prone positioning as needed, and medications or devices to support other affected vital organs.
The COVID-19 vaccination is found to be a safer way to help build protection against the virus and end the pandemic. This has made many countries quickly vaccinate their people, and to vaccinate the mass population of their people as quickly as possible, the COVID-19 vaccination process is simultaneously done in many vaccination centres in the country.
Assume that the place you are living in has two (2) vaccination centres (VC1 and VC2) and they require a computer program to keep the records of all vaccination done. The details of the vaccines administered in these centres are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Details of Vaccines Administered in VC1 and VC2
You are required to write a Python program with the following features to manage the vaccination records in the above-mentioned centres:
1. New Patient Registration
Individuals who come to the VCs will be required to register as a patient before the vaccination. New patient registration is only done once that is before the first dosage of vaccination. Upon registration, each individual will need to be given a unique patient id.
All relevant details about the patient and patient id need to be recorded in a text file named patients.txt. Among these details, the VC the patient belongs to and the vaccine they have selected based on the age group shown in Table 1 are required to be stored in this text file. The patient’s address is not required, however, their contact number and/or email address will need to be recorded instead.
Important Note:
i. The registration process should start by prompting VC.
ii. Age should be prompted before vaccine selection. Only eligible vaccines (based on the age entered) need to be displayed for selection.
iii. When testing the program, you should register a good number (15 – 20) and
a mixture of patients from different age groups, vaccines, and VCs.
iv. The patient id needs to be unique and in sequence.
v. When recording the vaccine and VC, you may choose to use the abbreviations as shown in Table 1 for simplicity.
vi. Details on medical history, blood group, height, weight, and alike are optional.
2. Vaccine Administration
The program should record all vaccines administered in the vaccination.txt file. The program may prompt for inputs like patient id and dose number (D1 or D2) before the vaccine is administered.
Important Note:
i. All patients should go through the first dosage before the second dose unless they have opted for the EC vaccine.
ii. After completing dose 1, the program should advise when the patient should come for dose 2 (either by indicating the next vaccination date or several weeks later).
iii. When testing the program, you need to have a good mixture of patients who completed dose 1 and dose 2.
iv. The patients need not have to be vaccinated in sequence as per their patient id.
v. The program should allow selection between New Patient Registration and
Vaccine Administration features in any sequence. That is not all (15 – 20) patients that you planned to vaccinate need to be registered in one go before the vaccine administration.
3. Search Patient Record and Vaccination Status
The program should have an option to search patient records using patient id. The vaccination status of the searched patient should be displayed along with the patient record. The vaccination status that can be used in your program is shown in Table 2 below:
Table 2: Patient Vaccination Status
4. Statistical Information on Patients Vaccinated
The program should have the option to print the total number of patients vaccinated by each VC. These numbers should be broken down into people who are waiting for dose 2 and people who have completed vaccination.
i. You are required to carry out extra research for your system and document any logical assumptions you made after the research.
ii. Your program should use symbolic constants where appropriate. Validations need to be included to ensure the accuracy of the system. State any assumptions that you make under each function.
iii. You are required to store all data in text files indicated under the system
iv. You are expected to use a list and functions in your program. Your program must embrace modular programming techniques and should be menu-driven.
v. You may include any extra features which you may feel relevant and that add value to the system.
vi. There should be no need for graphics (user interface) in your program, as what is being assessed is your programming skill, not the interface design.
vii. You should include good programming practices such as comments, variable naming conventions, and indentation.
viii. In a situation where a student:
Failed to attempt the assignment demonstration, overall marks awarded for
the assignment will be adjusted to 50% of the overall existing marks.
Found to be involved in plagiarism, the offence will be dealt with by APU regulations on plagiarism.
ix. You are required to use Python programming language to implement the solution. Use of any other language like C/C++/Java is not allowed. A global variable is not allowed.
x. Results of comprehensive testing is to be included in your document. The tests conducted shall take into consideration of all valid inputs and negative test cases.
You are required to submit a softcopy of:
i. Program coded in Python – submitted as .py file.
– Name the file under your name and TP number (e.g.
– Start the first two lines in your program by typing your name and TP number
(e.g. as follows):
ii. Text files created through test data – submitted as .txt files.
iii. A documentation of the system (1000 words) – submitted as
NAME_TPNUMBER.pdf file – that incorporates basic documentation standards
such as header and footer, page numbering and includes:
– Cover page
– Table of contents
– Introduction and assumptions
– Design of the program – using pseudocode and flowcharts – which adheres to
the requirements provided above
– Program source code and explanation
– Screenshots of sample input/output and explanation
– Conclusion
– References (if any) using APA Referencing
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