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Students may include a brief statement of appreciation in recognition of any special assistance rendered to them by any person or entity during the whole Practical Training duration.
Abstract is a summary of the whole Practical Training report. The abstract should have summary of every chapter in the report. This abstract then needs to be translated to Bahasa Melayu in the next section (Abstrak). The abstract should not exceed 500 words and is written in one (1) paragraph only. Generally, the contents of abstract in English tend to have fewer words than the contents for Abstrak in Bahasa Melayu.
ABSTRACT IS THE LAST THING TO WRITE IN EVERY REPORT. Starting to write a report from abstract means that the report will never finish.
Abstrak ialah satu bentuk penulisan yang merumuskan keseluruhan laporan Latihan Praktik ini dalam Bahasa Melayu. Abstrak perlu mengandungi rumusan dari setiap bab dalam laporan ini. Abstrak ini merupakan terjemahan kepada kandungan dalam bahagian sebelum ini, iaitu Abstract dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Panjang abstrak haruslah tidak melebihi 500 patah perkataan, dan ditulis dalam satu (1) perenggan sahaja. Secara umumnya, kandungan abstrak dalam Bahasa Melayu akan lebih panjang dari kandungan abstract dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
1.1. Introduction
In CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION TO PRACTICAL TRAINING, students are supposed to introduce the CSC339 Practical Training course. The CSC339 course is a compulsory course for CS110 Diploma in Computer Science Programme at Universiti Teknologi MARA Melaka Branch.
Students should only explain about the Practical Training course in this chapter. Students may mention the name of the organisation they are attached at for Practical Training, but do not discuss about the organisation in Chapter 1.
2.1. Official Name of Organisation
In CHAPTER 2. ORGANISATION BACKGROUND, students are supposed to describe the organisation they are attached to.
2.2. Name of Branch (If Applicable)
If a student is attached to a branch office of an organisation, student should describe the background of the branch they are attached to. Students also may list down the other branches of the organisation.
2.3. Name of Attached Department (If Applicable)
If a student is attached to a department in a branch office of an organisation, student should describe the details of the department they are attached to. Students also may list down the other departments in the branch they are attached to.
If a student is attached to a department of an organisation (without branch), student should describe the details of the department they are attached to. Students also may list down the other departments in the organisation they are attached to.
2.4. Vision & Mission
Students should list down the vision and missions of the organisation they are attached to, if available.
2.5. Organisational Structure
Students should provide an organisational structure of the organisation they are attached at, if available.
2.6. Location of Organisation
Students should provide a location map of the organisation they are attached at, if available.
2.7. Other Details of Organisation (If Applicable)
Students may include other information of the organisation they are attached to, if applicable/available. (e.g. operating hours, client charter, motto, website, etc)
3.1. Project 1: Name of Project 1
Students should briefly describe the Project 1 assigned to them during Practical Training. Students should also provide a duration when this project takes place.
3.1.1. Problem Statement
Students should describe the issues that Project 1 attempts to solve.
3.1.2. Objective
Students should describe the objectives of Project 1 based on the problem statement.
3.1.3. Scope and Requirements
Students should describe the specific scope or limitations or assumptions made for Project 1. Students should also describe the specific requirements imposed on Project 1
3.1.4. Tools Used
Students should list and describe the tools (hardware and software) used to implement Project 1.
3.1.5. Implementation
Students should describe in detail the steps, tasks, modules, etc., that were developed to implement Project 1. Students should insert figures and tables if necessary to assist in describing the implementation of Project 1.
3.1.6. Results and Discussion
Students should present the outcomes or results from the implementation of Project 1. Students should also discuss the problems they encountered while implementing Project 1 and the steps taken to solve those problems.
3.2. Project 2: Name of Project 2
Students should briefly describe the Project 2 assigned to them during Practical Training. Students should also provide a duration when this project took place.
3.2.1. Problem Statement
Students should describe the issues that Project 2 attempts to solve.
3.2.2. Objective
Students should describe the objectives of Project 2 based on the problem statement.
3.2.3. Scope and Requirements
Students should describe the specific scope, limitations, or assumptions made for Project 2. Students should also describe the specific requirements imposed on Project 2.
3.2.4. Tools Used
Students should list and describe the tools (hardware and software) used to implement Project 2.
3.2.5. Implementation
Students should describe in detail the steps, tasks, modules, etc., that were developed to implement Project 2. Students should insert figures and tables if necessary to assist in describing the implementation of Project 2.
3.2.6. Results and Discussion
Students should present the outcomes or results from the implementation of Project 2. Students should also discuss the problems they encountered while implementing Project 2 and the steps taken to solve those problems.
3.3. Project 3 (If Applicable)
Students may add more sections in Chapter 3 to discuss all projects or tasks assigned to them during Practical Training.
Example Table
Below is an example of a table and table caption, with the correct formatting. Students can copy the table and its table caption to be inserted into their Practical Training Report. Students then can change the example table with their own table, and change the table caption with a suitable description. The table number will update accordingly after students highlight it, right-click, and choose “Update Field” as shown in Figure 3.1.
No. | Item | Description |
1 | Style | Use the “C Chapter Table & Caption” style to apply the correct formatting for the table caption. |
2 | Formatting of texts in table | Students may change the formatting of texts in a table for suitable appearance. |
3 | Spacing of texts in table | Texts in a table should be single-spaced. |
4 | Update table caption number | Highlight the table caption, right-click, and choose “Update Field.” |
Below is an example of figure and figure caption, with the correct formatting. Students can copy the figure and its figure caption to be inserted into their Practical Training Report. Students then can change the example figure with their own figure, and change the figure caption with a suitable description. The figure number will update accordingly after students highlight it, right-click and choose “Update Field”, as shown in Figure 3.2.
Below is an example of how an equation and equation numbering should appear in the Practical Training Report. For correct formatting, the equation and equation caption are inserted into a table with an invisible border.
y = (-b ± √(b² – 4ac)) / (2a)
Students can copy the example equation to be inserted into their Practical Training Report. Students then can change the example equation with their own equation. The equation number will update accordingly after students highlight it, right-click, and choose “Update Field,” as shown in Figure 2.1.
Students should list and describe the other miscellaneous tasks assigned to them during the Practical Training. This section can be divided into subsections to describe every miscellaneous task if necessary.
4.1. Discussion
In this chapter, students are supposed to discuss the new knowledge, skills, experiences, and other benefits gained during the Practical Training at the organisation.
Students may discuss and reflect on how the new knowledge, skills, experiences, and other benefits enhance their understanding of courses taken during their study in Diploma in Computer Science.
Students may also reflect on how the new knowledge, skills, experiences, and other benefits change their perspective in the field of computer science or any other fields.
4.2. Discussion 2
Students may add more sections in Chapter 4 to discuss other benefits that are gained during Practical Training, if necessary.
5.1. Conclusion
In Chapter 5, students are supposed to conclude their Practical Training Report. When concluding the Practical Training Report,
students may briefly describe the benefits they have gained from the assigned projects/tasks, from the organisation, and from the Practical Training in general.
5.2. Suggestion
Students should be able to provide some suggestions on how to improve the CSC339 Practical Training course or Practical Training Experience at the organisation in the future.
(These references are examples formatted in American Psychological Association (APA) format.)
(Refer to for guides on how references of different sources are formatted.)
(Students should replace these examples with their own references.)
Appendix A
Appendix B
Additional figures that are not included in the main body (chapter) of the Practical Training Report can be inserted in the appendix.
Additional figures that help to describe other miscellaneous tasks performed during Practical Training can be included in the appendix.
Use sections breaks to separate appendices into separate sections. Students can only change the appendix label at the top right-hand margin of the page using sections
Use sections breaks to separate appendices into separate sections. To change the appendix labels, first, double click the header portion of the page to activate the edit Header/Footer menu. Then deselect the “Link to Previous” option under the Header & Footer tab. Change the appendix labels to match the current appendix page.