CIS2017-N: Overview of the Selected Case Study and Associated Business Requirements: Relational & NoSQL Database Assignment, TU, Malaysia


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CIS2017-N: Relational & NoSQL Database

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TASK A: Design

A1. Overview of the Selected Case Study and Associated Business Requirements: Consider the typical use cases for your selected case study and the associated business requirements. Describe the requirements and associated data you intend to focus on for this assessment. Ensure you select sufficient business functions to generate a model that contains 10-20 entities.

The key functional requirements will assist with the creation of the ERD in the next task and you may need to expand them after preparing the draft ERD to ensure that the scale matches the requirements of the assessment.

A2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD): Prepare an ERD for the selected business requirements. This is a design exercise that should be completed prior to the implementation. You may provide a series of mini or partial ERDs that when combined cover the full requirements.

A3. Partial ERD Views: Using the proposed solution for A2, produce 3-5 partial ERD diagrams that support key business functions. Clearly state the purpose of each partial ERD and the business function, any input parameters, and expected output.

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TASK B: Implementation

For this task, you will be required to implement your design from Task A using SQL Server (MySQL). No need to create any user interfaces (forms) as we are only looking at the exploration of the backend server database technologies. Ensure you keep all your SQL Code as you will be required to submit it.

Each step of the implementation should be documented within the report produced during Task A and the SQL code should include appropriate comments.

Develop appropriate SQL Code to implement your design, including the following:

B1-B3: Demonstrate your understanding of implementing a database solution in SQL Server and SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) 

B1: Create the SQL tables and relationships.

B2: Insert statements to populate the database with suitable test data. You can use online data generation tools or existing datasets to assist with this task. For the assessment, you only need 5 to 10 records for the main tables and fewer for lookup/category-type tables to prove the integrity of relationships. However, you are free to add more test data especially if it is via data generators or by importing from existing data sets.

B3: SQL Views to support the selected business functions (utilise the 3-5 partial ERDs from A3) (e.g. B3-view.sql)

B4-B5: demonstrate your understanding of interrogating a database by using SQL Data Manipulation Definition Language (DML)

B4: SQL Queries to support the selected business functions. Utilize the SQL Views and/or Tables. You are required to provide five examples.
Your SQL Code should be formatted to improve readability, include appropriate comments and be stored in clearly named files.

B5: SQL Server provides extensive capabilities for programming via Data Manipulation Language (DML). Provide 5 examples demonstrating the DML in actions. These should support the business functions but in the main, we are looking to see your capabilities of generating supporting SQL code.

B6: demonstrate your understanding of a critical appraisal of your work

B6: Provide a Critical Review of your database design and implementation. The Critical Review should also reflect upon your own performance in terms of strengths and areas to improve. Also, provide a self-assessment grade by using the marking criteria provided.

TASK C: Research into Emerging Database Technology

C1: Research NoSQL and one of the following topics – Big Data or SQL Business Intelligence or Internet of Things to create a short presentation covering:
• What is it all about?
• What are its uses if it?
• Useful Resources on the topic

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Get Help By Expert provides the best assignment help in Malaysia for CIS2017-N Relational & NoSQL Database Assignment at TU, Malaysia. Our qualified professionals are well-experienced and highly knowledgeable in dealing with assignments related to this subject. We are well-equipped with the advanced tools and software required for completing assignments related to this subject such as MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Cassandra etc. With our Information Technology assignment help, we ensure that you get the best grades by providing an accurate and plagiarism free solution within the given time frame. Our experts are capable of writing assignments in any citation style such as MLA, APA, Harvard and so on. We also provide editing and proofreading services of your submitted assignment to make sure that it meets all the requirements set by the university.



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