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Question 1
Managers can learn how to get the best work out of their business or organization by starting with an understanding of organizational behavior. Employers can use it to assess each worker’s behavior and mold a positive work ethic in them. Understanding this business philosophy will be very beneficial to you and your company if you are already in business or are just starting out. When implementing organizational behavior theory in the workplace, there are four important things to remember. They are environment, technology, structure, and people.
In reference to the above statement, you are required to answer the followings:
a) Examine and contrast two (2) theories of motivation (such as Herzberg’s Two– Factor Theory and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs). In what ways can these theories be implemented by organizations to improve employee motivation?
b) Explore how work happiness and employee retention are related. How can
businesses gauge employee happiness and make improvements to it in order to keep top talent?
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