At its 335th Session, the Governing Body of the ILO decided to convene a technical meeting on the future of work: Global Sourcing Assignment, OUM, Malaysia


Open University Malaysia (OUM)

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Global Sourcing

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At its 335th Session, the Governing Body of the ILO decided to convene a technical meeting on the future of work in the automotive industry and the need to invest in people’s capabilities and decent and sustainable work.

At its 337th Session, the Governing Body in turn decided that the technical meeting should take place in Geneva on 4–8 May 2020. In the context of the ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work, the meeting will discuss future needs for skills and vocational education and training in the automotive industry.

With regard to the composition of the meeting, the Governing Body decided to invite all governments, eight Worker representatives, and eight Employer representatives, appointed on the basis of nominations made by the respective groups of the Governing Body. Selected official international organizations and international non-governmental organizations were to be invited as observers.

This issues paper has been prepared by the International Labour Office as a basis for discussions at the meeting. Chapter 1 contains a brief overview of the automotive industry today in terms of its structure; vehicle production and sales; and contribution to gross domestic product (GDP), world trade, and employment.

Chapter 2 sets out the megatrends and drivers of change that will transform the industry in the future, with a focus on technological advances, globalization, demographics, and climate change. Chapter 3 describes the challenges and opportunities for decent and sustainable work in terms of employment; skills and lifelong learning; social protection and conditions of work; fundamental principles and rights at work; and social dialogue.

The issues paper addresses the challenges and opportunities that the automotive industry faces in the context of the Centenary Declaration, in which the Conference declared that, in further developing its human-centered approach to the future of work, the ILO must direct its efforts to:

  • Ensuring a just transition to a future of work that contributes to sustainable development in its economic, social, and environmental dimensions;
  • Harnessing the fullest potential of technological progress and productivity growth, including through social dialogue, to achieve decent work and sustainable development, which ensures dignity, self-fulfillment and a just sharing of the benefits for all;
  • Promoting the acquisition of skills, competencies, and qualifications for all workers throughout their working lives is a joint responsibility of governments and social partners in order to

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