A new London-based challenger bank called Wolving is launching in a few short months: Python and Java Coding Assignment, Penn, Malaysia


 University of Pennsylvania (Penn)

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Individual Assignment


Python and Java Coding

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The marking scheme for this task is on Canvas, make sure you check back regularly as you work through the assessment.

  • Python

A new London-based challenger bank called Wolving is launching in a few short months. They are in the process of building their website and have asked you to develop a program for prospective customers to show them how their savings could grow over time.

Interest is usually paid every year; however, the bank has asked that you incorporate compound interest to highlight their unique offerings when compared to competitors.

The idea behind compound interest is that the interest you earn each year is added to your principal (starting amount) so that the balance doesn’t just grow, it grows at an increasing rate. This is one of the most useful concepts in finance.

It is the basis of everything from personal saving plans to long-term growth in the stock market and accounts for the effects of inflation. It is thought to have originated in the 17th century and can be thought of as ‘interest on interest’.

  • Java

You will create a program that converts a decimal to HEX, OCT, and Binary. Your program should ask the user first what type of conversion they want to do. The conversions should be done in separate functions and should return a String.

1. Print the following menu:

  • To convert a decimal to HEX, please type “1” and hit enter.
  • To convert a decimal to OCT, please type “2” and hit enter.
  • To convert a decimal to Binary, please type “3” and hit enter.

2. After the user has chosen an option, they should be then prompted to type in the decimal number. For this program, we will be using an 8-bit binary system, so you do not need to worry about any number greater than 127 and lower than -128. These should be the limits that you check at the beginning, if the decimal value does not fit in between those thresholds, print a sensible error message to the user (give them an explanation of why the error has occurred). Once an appropriate value has been inputted, your program should call one of three functions; convert to hex, convert to oct or convert to binary. To create your functions, you can use the following code below to help you make a start:

  • String ToHex(int decimal number){//do the conversion

//return HEX value which has been derived from the

//decimal number – Remember, this needs to be a string}

  • String ToOct(int decimal number){//do the conversion

//return Oct value which has been derived from the

//decimal number – Remember, this needs to be a string}

  • String Tobin(int decimal number){//do the conversion

//return Binary value which has been derived from the

//decimal number – Remember, this needs to be a string}

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