MPU3113 hubungan etnik soalan dan jawapan UITM Assignment Sample Malaysia

The assignment sample will introduce you to a concept that can be difficult and complex: social cohesion. The goal of these lessons is not only for students to know about it but also how they can work towards achieving greater levels of social cohesion in their communities.
The purpose of this course is to enhance understanding of what causes ethnic conflict or unification as well as provide an introduction into some key concepts such as integration and addressing challenges which are both important parts of any society including Malaysia’s own diverse population with different cultures, languages, religions, etc.
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Assessment brief of MPU 3113 hubungan etnik soalan dan jawapan/MPU 3113 ethnic relations questions and answers
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Assignment Activity 1 :Menerangkan peranan integrasi budaya, masyarakat dan kumpulan etnik dalam memupuk perpaduan/Explain The Role Of The Integration Of Culture, Society, And Ethnic Groups In Fostering Unity
This assignment example emphasizes cultural integration, fostering unity continues to be a great issue. Society and ethnic goals are aimed at allowing for the contribution of people from all levels of society. These goals are focused on eliminating prejudice or discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, or other traits.
Society and ethnic challenges can range in severity from discriminatory use of language to outright violence where it is not safe to express any feelings but fear or anger. These conflicts are often tied into public policy battles around health care coverage, education, labor rights, and immigration reform so progress takes a long time to come as these battles wage on in the courts and halls of government.
Assignment Acitivity 2 :Mengenalpasti cabaran pluralisasi budaya dan pelaksanaannya dalam konteks permuafakatan integrasi di Malaysia/Identify the challenges of cultural pluralization and its implementation in the context of integration consensus in Malaysia
This assignment sample elaborates the challenges of cultural pluralization and its implementation in Malaysia are identified as follows.
First, it is argued that the latest trend towards ‘globalization has led to the effacement of traditional customs and cultures such as Malay culture, Islamic culture, or Indian Asian culture. There have been criticisms by those who argue that the number of Indians living in urban areas, for example, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Selangor (1985), is not commensurate with their representation in Malaysia’s census data. The majority of Malaysians often take this absence of Indian presence as a sign that there are no longer any Indians left in Malaysia except those living in rural areas.
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Assignment Acitivity 3 :Mengaplikasi kemahiran integrasi dalam kalangan pelajar integrasi mewujudkan masyarakat bersatu padu/Applying integration skills among integration students creates a cohesive society
This assignment sample illustrates the integration of students in a cohesive society has many benefits. It helps students look at the meanings of the inseparable similarities, and successfully dive into the dynamics of the future with unified observation and understanding.
Integration of students in an integrated society will have various benefits. It helps learners see the true meaning of unity that is not divided, and succeed in the future with focused and united thought.
Assignment Activity 4: Menganalisis isu-isu dan cabaran dalam konteks hubungan etnik di Malaysia/analyze issues and challenges in the context of ethnic relations in Malaysia
In this solved assignment, we will discuss ethnic relationships in Malaysia which are one of the most important issues the country is facing. Ethnic tensions have led to violence, discriminatory politics, and animosity among different population groups within the country. These social ills have deepened poverty, prevented economic development and social progress for all Malaysians.
The most serious challenges faced by Malaysia are:
- Ethnic discrimination against indigenous populations such as the Orang Asli who suffer from a lack of economic opportunity and difficulty in accessing health services in their ancestral territories;
- Verbal harassment by high-ranking men against female employees at a trading company
- And the domination of low-income jobs by ethnic Chinese citizens working at plantations causes tension among workers with different shared ancestry backgrounds.
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