HMEF5113 Statistics For Educational Research Assignment Sample Malaysia
HMEF5113 Statistics For Educational Research is an exciting and relevant course to take if you want to understand the quantitative process underlying educational research. You will learn the theoretical background as well as practical skills needed to conduct statistical analyses and interpret their results in a meaningful way.
This course provides a unique opportunity to acquire knowledge on topics like descriptive and inferential statistics, sampling techniques, bivariate and multivariate analyses, regression analysis, and related topics all in one go. It is sure to provide a comprehensive perspective on this field of research that will come in handy when embarking in your own research project.
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Get access to exemplary assignments for HMEF5113 Statistics For Educational Research course, so you can get top marks in each assignment! provides exemplary assignments for HMEF5113 Statistics For Educational Research course, that you can use right now to get top marks in each assignment! Get detailed information on topics like descriptive statistics, mean, median and mode, normal distribution, standard deviation and variance, and much more. has got you covered for all your academic needs with a team of professional writers with expertise in multiple fields prepared to help you in every step of your learning journey.
In this article, we will be discussing several assignment tasks. These include:
Assignment Task 1: Explain the differences between descriptive and inferential statistics and their uses in educational research.
Descriptive and inferential statistics are two different types of data analysis that can be used in educational research. Descriptive statistics is the summarization of data, such as through the calculation of averages, counts, and frequencies. It is typically utilized to analyze trends, patterns, and other important information that can help draw conclusions about a larger population. In comparison, inferential statistics uses descriptive data and tries to predict the possible outcomes regarding that population.
It allows researchers to make statements beyond what is already known by comparing subgroups of a particular sample with one another or with external sources. This type of statistical analysis is useful for drawing meaningful interpretations from data and can provide insight into many topics related to educational research such as student achievement, teacher effectiveness, and instructional methodologies.
Assignment Task 2: Assess the normality of a set of data using graphical as well as statistical techniques.
Graphical and statistical techniques are important tools for assessing the normality of a set of data. Graphical techniques involve visually inspecting visuals such as histograms, boxplots, QQ plots, density plots, and more to determine whether the data follows a normal distribution. Statistical tests such as the Shapiro-Wilk test, Anderson-Darling test, Chi-Square goodness of fit test, and more are used to assess normality. It is important to combine both graphical and statistical techniques for a complete evaluation of normality. This helps identify any potential deviations that may have been overlooked using either technique alone.
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Assignment Task 3: Differentiate between null and alternative hypotheses and their use in educational research.
Null and alternative hypotheses are important components of educational research; they help identify the relationship between the operationalized variables. The null hypothesis asserts that there is no statistical significance in the relationship, while the alternative hypothesis is a statement of what the researcher expects to find during the experiment. In short, while the null hypothesis suggests ‘no effect’, as it includes what is expected to be found in case of nothing changes, the other hand, the alternative hypothesis offers an alternate expectation or cause-effect which could be discovered.
For instance, if one were to test whether a certain instructional program enhances the language development skills of primary school children, the researcher would form a null hypothesis that “the instructional program does not lead to an improvement in language development skills” and an alternative hypothesis such as “the instructional program leads to an improvement in language development skills.” What makes these two hypotheses important for educational research is their assurance of high validity for any study.
Assignment Task 4: Apply the different statistical techniques in educational research, conduct statistical analyses using SPSS and make appropriate interpretations of statistical results.
Statistical techniques are essential in educational research, as they can provide powerful insights into the data collected. Applying different statistical techniques allows us to effectively analyze and interpret data to ascertain trends and draw meaningful conclusions. Leveraging SPSS is a great way to carry out statistical analyses and generate reports efficiently. Appropriate interpretation of the statistical results is necessary to ensure reliable inferences which can be used to accurately guide research outcomes and better inform decision-making. It is thus imperative for educational researchers to gain a good understanding of these statistical methods, tools, and interpretation strategies to support their investigations.