DQS363 Measurement Of Civil Engineering Works Assignment Example UiTM Malaysia
The course is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the theory and practice for measuring civil engineering works, such as Earthworks or Concrete Works. The student will be able to learn about current Malaysian standards on measurement with MyCESMM methods that can help them during their career here. They are also taught to implement measurement processes using the SPSS software, which will help them in their future data analysis projects.
The course is structured in a modular form, with each module focusing on the practical aspects of a particular aspect of measurement. In addition to lectures by outstanding and seasoned lecturers, there will be ample opportunities for students to learn from industry practitioners through case studies and real-life examples. The sessions are designed to ensure that students can apply their knowledge and skills in the workplace.
Overall, this course will provide students with an excellent foundation in measurement theory and practice, which they can use throughout their careers. The course is highly recommended for those who wish to pursue a career in civil engineering or any other field that requires accurate measurements.
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Assignment Task 1: Interpret the basic principles in measuring stipulated civil engineering works based on the current Malaysian Civil Engineering Method of Measurement (MyCESMM)
There are a few basic principles in measuring stipulated civil engineering works, which are based on the current Malaysian Civil Engineering Method of Measurement (MyCESMM). Some of these principles include:
- The principle of substitution, states that the value of an article or work is that which it would cost to replace it with another of equal utility;
- The principle of extension, states that when two similar articles or works are situated side by side, the measurement of one is extended to cover both; and
- The principle of addition, states that the measurements of two or more articles or works taken together should be the total thereof.
It is important to note that these principles are only a guide and that the actual measurements may vary depending on the specific situation. Nevertheless, understanding and applying these principles can help ensure more accurate measurements.
Assignment Task 2: Measure based on drawings and specifications by using the current Malaysian Civil Engineering Method of Measurement (MyCESMM) for works in Earthwork, Concrete Works and Road and Paving Works.
Measure based on drawings and specifications by using the current Malaysian Civil Engineering Method of Measurement (MyCESMM) for works in Earthwork, Concrete Works and Road and Paving Works. Answer: The engineering method of measurement for works in earthwork, concrete works & roads are based on drawings and specifications by using the current Malaysian Civil Engineering Measurement Unit (MCEMU).
The MCEMU is a system of measurement that is used in the field of civil engineering. It was first introduced in 1959 and has been revised a few times since then. The MCU is currently in its fourth edition, which was published in 2009.
The MCU consists of several units that are used to measure various aspects of civil engineering works. These units include the unit of length (meter), a unit of area (square meter), unit weight (kilogram), and so on.
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Assignment Task 3: Organize all measured works and compile complete Bills of Quantities for Earthwork, Concrete Works and Road and Paving Works based on the current Malaysian Civil Engineering Method of Measurement (MyCESMM)
ORGANIZE all measured works and compile a complete Bill of Quantities for Earthwork, Concrete Works and Road and Paving Work based on the current Malaysian Civil Engineering Method of Measurement (MyCESMM). This will include a complete breakdown of all the materials, quantities, units, etc. required for the project.
Additionally, you will need to consider the various considerations and requirements involved in each type of work, including any safety or regulatory standards that must be met. You will also need to take into account the specific needs and requirements of your project site, including conditions such as weather, soil type, traffic patterns, etc.
Finally, you will need to carefully evaluate the bids of various contractors to ensure that you are getting the best value for your money.
The first step in compiling a comprehensive bill of quantities for construction projects is to organize all of the relevant data about the project. You will need to collect information such as the scope of work, unit rates, and other relevant details related to the project. Once you have gathered all of this information, it is time to begin compiling the project.
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