CTU211 Science and Technology in Islam Assignment Sample UITM Malaysia
CTU-211 Sains dan Teknologi Islam is an Islamic University that’s able to keep up with the modern age. CTU-211 deals with core technology and sciences from a perspective of faith, which will enable them to compete in the global market as well as produce human resources of quality, morality, and patriotism for our society. We need this type of skill we can count on now more than ever. Let us support CTU 211 so they can produce for us good people who will make Malaysia great again.
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Assignment Solutions For CTU- 211 Sains Dan Teknologi Islam/Science and Technology in Islam
Assignment Activity 1: Menghuraikan konsep. asas falsafah serta kegemilangan sains dan teknologi Islam/Explain the concept. the foundations of philosophy as well as the glory of Islamic science and technology
The concept here is that philosophy deals with the fundamentals and principles. Islam, being a fundamental way of life for Muslims, plays an essential role in this field.
Islam helps to establish the foundations of philosophy because many philosophers were Muslim or otherwise had contact with Islamic thought. So it can be said that philosophy bears (perhaps) implicit assumptions relating to its foundation in Greek thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle; these thinkers themselves picked up certain concepts from ancient Eastern philosophers such as Pythagoras, Socrates, etc.
And Islam also played a part: while much has been challenged by modern science concerning their views on how nature should be studied, early Islamic scholars still contributed to the advancement of science while preserving the rationalist approach often associated with medieval Arabic culture before.
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Assignment Activity 2: Mempamerkan nilai akhlak dalam kepelbagaian lanskap budaya berasaskan huraian ayat al-Quran dan al-Sunnah yang berkaitan dengan sains dan teknologi/ Demonstrate moral values in a diverse cultural landscape based on the description of verses of the Qur’an and Sunnah related to science and technology
Learning knowledge and technology is one of God’s commands to human beings so that people who pay attention to morals simply can enter the gates of heaven. The verses of the Qur’an and the verses of hadith related to science and technology have become a halal-haram preamble for human beings to procrastinate in obtaining it.
Islam values the pursuit of knowledge overall (Qur’an – “And say, ‘My Lord increase me in knowledge”‘). It encourages critical thinking and understanding of what it means to be human through an integral worldview. This worldview is based on constant reflection on the Qur’an and the Sunnah, as outlined by three fundamental pillars: Belief in one God with no partners, belief in Divine Justice.
The afterlife has a predetermined time; there’s guidance from divine revelations given through prophets and messengers like Jesus or Moses who each received a bountiful share of wisdom and light that they shared with their people at different points in history).
Assignment Activity 3: Membuat penyampaian dan pelaporan bertulis hasil perbincangan mengenai aplikasi kaedah fiqh dan maqasid syariah dalam menangani isu etika sains dan teknologi/ Make a written presentation and report on the results of discussions on the application of fiqh methods and syariah maqasid in addressing ethical issues of science and technology
Fiqh methodologies and maqasid al-Shariah in addressing ethical issues of science and technology.
The current and future benefits and detriments we can expect from it (including some foreseeable problems) will be considered to reach a ruling about its propriety in general or specific situations.
The fiqh (Islamic Law) methodology is followed as closely as possible on the basis of best available knowledge, but every case may need other findings that cannot be searched for due to their being unknown at this point that is required by ijtihad (independent reasoning). Some examples of these unresolved matters include philosophical matters, specifically foundational questions in physics, which are outside the radius of any specialization.
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The above assignment sample is based on CTU- 211 Sains Dan Teknologi Islam/Science and Technology in Islam.
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