CSC699 Final Year Research Project UITM Assignment Example Malaysia
This assignment CSC699 will enable students to gain a comprehensive understanding of information technology project planning, analysis, and design. They should be able to compile their work into an effective thesis presentation as well as effectively communicate the outcome during oral or written presentations.
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This course will cover the following topics:
1. Project Foundation
1.1) Project Formulation Refinement |
2. Writing and Structuring Report
2.1) Sections in Report 2.2) Writing Approach |
3. Result and Findings
3.1) Results 3.2) Findings and Analysis |
4. Abstract
4.1) Types of Abstract |
5. Progress Presentation
5.1) On-Going progress Presentation |
6. Presentation
6.1) Oral Presentation 6.2) Poster Presentation |
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Assignment Task 1: Solve undertaken problems using appropriate technique and principles.
It is important to solve undertaken problems in the final year project using appropriate technique and principles. The methodology will help you to collect, collate, analyse and present data effectively so it can be structured for presentation. Make sure that the methods are up-to-date with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). You can adhere to ISO procedures when you are using a software development life cycle which is highly reliable, don’t just rely on your background knowledge. If there is a need to use new technologies then it would have been wise to have consulted an IT expert or someone who has a good understanding of various technologies. It may seem that this way takes due time but it ensures success in the long run as if any changes needed later these people could be brought on board easily.
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The selection of tools is also very important and you need to have the ability to select the best-suited tool for the job at hand. Don’t be fooled by shiny new toys, make sure you understand what the tool can do and how it will help you with your project. Do research on different tools and their features so that you can make an informed decision. Also, try not to overuse or underutilize tools, find the sweet spot for each tool and use them accordingly.
When it comes to working with a team, effective communication is key. Make sure that everyone is aware of the goal and what is expected from them. Keep lines of communication open with the team and do not hesitate to approach for help if required. This will also help you in knowing more about your team members and how they work so that it can be easier to modify tasks as per requirement. However, try not to micromanage your team as this wastes time and energy which can be used on other important things.
Finally, make sure that you are organized and doing your research at right time as it is very important to be well prepared if you want to succeed in your final year engineering project. This will ensure that you have all the knowledge needed for the project before commencing on the practical side of things, which can prevent a lot of problems and keep your work organized. Also, do not get carried away by fixing small things on the fly as it wastes time and can lead to unplanned changes in project plan which can cause major issues downstream.
Assignment Task 2: Produce project reports with good analysis and proven results in the appropriate format.
Reports are an essential communication tool for verifying the outcomes of certain things, work carried out, and the progress made. They are more than just summaries; reports can be informative, data-driven tools that help make decisions easier. When it comes to producing project reports with good analysis & proven results in appropriate format requirements on time, a project manager needs to take help from some professional tools and services.
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There are many such professional tools and services available in the market, but before selecting any one of them, it is important for the project manager to assess his or her own needs. Some of the most important factors that should be considered include:
- The types of reports that are needed.
- The level of detail required.
- How often reports need to be produced?
- Who will need access to the reports?
The tools and services available should be able to meet the specific needs of the project manager and the team. While some tools and services are stand-alone products, others are part of a larger suite of tools that may be more or less appropriate, depending on the needs of the project.
The importance of reports cannot be overemphasized, and the right tools and services can make the process much smoother and easier.
Assignment Task 3: Demonstrate an understanding of project through oral presentation
To demonstrate an understanding of a project through oral presentation, first introduce the topic and ensure that it has caught the attention of your audience. It is important to not only have a clear idea of what you will be talking about but also to be aware of how it relates to other people’s lives. Once you have explained your topic, give an overview as well as examples from other sources so that those listening can come up with their own conclusions. It would also help if one were giving a presentation on “project” if they could source information from credible academic work or present findings from studies done by experts in that field. Describe benefits and drawbacks related to your project by referencing examples for each angle .. Finally, sum up everything you said by briefly restating your main points.
In the case of a “Project”, giving an overview would involve explaining what it is in detail. A benefit of doing so would be that this enables people to understand what you are talking about better, and therefore asking questions is unlikely if they have already received sufficient information. An example would be explaining in greater detail what a “project” is in the business world. A drawback, on the other hand, may be that some people might lose focus if it is overly detailed and they are not interested in the topic. Going back to the example of a “project” in the business world, an example of a benefit would be that it can help increase efficiency, while a drawback would be that it can lead to job insecurity. Summing up the main points might involve explaining what process will be involved in completing the project, or how this specific project is not like other projects.
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