CSC530 Fundamentals Of Multimedia Computing Assignment Example Malaysia
The course is designed to provide an integrated foundation from the fundamental aspects of human communications systems, technologies involved, and their limitations. It also provides you with information on forms of media representation techniques available for usage in the digital world, other concepts relevant when making videos or audio broadcasts through TV channels, etc.
This information is presented through talks and presentations. The course also provides you with vital skills for professional broadcast journalists, TV camera operators, and sound recordists.
During the course, you will be able to:
- Understand current trends in TV broadcasting and their limitations
- Know how wireless technology is used for the transmission of video and audio data.
- Gain practical knowledge on the working environment of a TV camera operator/reporter.
- Deal with all emergencies likely to occur while covering events.
- Deal with advanced camera techniques.
- Come out of your shell and become a confident speaker through various speaking exercises.
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The program also provides professional training for TV camera operators, sound recordists, and reporters which will be useful for their further development.
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In this course, there are many types of assignments given to students like a group project, individual assignment, group assignment, reflective report, and the solutions are provided by us. Upon completion of this course you should be able to:
Assignment Activity 1: Apply fundamentals of multimedia computing
Multimedia computing is a type of multimedia processing and it has traditionally been the most complex and difficult area in computer graphics. Research into this field is active (due to the popularity of video clips). For instance, converting videos into different formats for viewing can be time-consuming and error-prone for people who do not know how to code; however, with modern technologies such as preprocessing, there has been significant progress in rendering both audiovisual contents on the web. Content preprocessing (or content processing) is one of them and it includes systems that automatically segment or simplify audio/video media with minimal user interaction. It’s applied globally in many industries including healthcare, entertainment, security industry, and more where automation is desired at large-scale enterprises.
Content preprocessing is basically media processing with the aim of minimizing bandwidth and storage requirements for streaming while ensuring that quality remains acceptable to end-users. It analyzes multiple dimensions, like video content (shape, texture, color) or sounds (spectrum, pitch), of multimedia data to perform its function.
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Assignment Activity 2: Constructs practical skills in fundamental of multimedia computing
Students will have the opportunity to assess their interests by participating in hands-on projects that provide an introduction to different areas of practice. We also discuss issues relevant to how media content is created and distributed via digital media channels (e.g., CD/DVD; internet; mobile). The multimedia phenomena of convergence are considered including convergence across devices (e.g., computer/TV), mediums (e.g., music videos) and occupations (e.g., computer animation; music; film) as well as understanding how digital multimedia content is created and distributed through various media channels (e.g., internet; mobile).
We will discuss different career paths related to multimedia computing and provide guidance on which ones might best suit you. We also consider how traditional roles and job titles overlap and converge with the emergence of new horizons in multimedia-related careers.
Assignment Activity 3: Elaborate the use of scientific skills in the fundamentals of multimedia computing.
As we think about digital media, we need to consider how it impacts and shapes the world around us. I like the way that Dr. Dmitri Williams put it: “motion pictures, video games and multimedia programs can be sold as software, but you play them with your entire body”.
Thus, multimedia computing utilizes hardware (computers), software, content (from creative artists), and human beings (operators) in its development process. For this reason, multimedia computing is an interdisciplinary field that relies on skills from a range of specialist areas – IT professionals may work alongside designers or artists in order to develop new forms of content or to build functional prototypes for systems they are studying.
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