Bombastic Words for SPM Essay Sample

Bombastic words can be used to take some additional rhetorical liberties. These liberties include using exaggerated language or being very eloquent and eloquently overstated. Choosing these type of words is highly subjective but they have been shown to effectively catch people’s attention and interest them more in what you are saying.

Spectacular, phenomenal, and magnificent are just some of the words that you can use to describe this SPM essay. If you’re struggling with your essay, then these bombastic words are sure to get your creative juices flowing!

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Bombastic Words for SPM Essay

Accolade praise
Allusion indirect reference
Ambivalence uncertainty; having ‘mixed’ feelings
Ambivalent unable to decide
Analogy comparison
Anecdote short account of something interesting; story
Anomalous odd; not fitting the pattern
Apparition ghost; something that ‘appears’
Aspersion negative feeling; damaging remark
Belligerence aggression
Bombastic too elaborate; exaggerated
Candid truthful
Capricious changeable; fickle
Cherished cared for; firmly-held
Cliché over-used expression
Conception 1. Idea; view. 2. beginning of pregnancy
Convoluted complicated or long-winded
Credence belief
Cryptic hidden
Currency 1. Widespread acceptance, 2. money
Decorous good and correct (used of behavior)
Denunciation act of speaking out against
Derailed thrown off course
Derivative unoriginal
Despotic acting like a tyrant
Detritus rubbish
Diaphanous very thin and transparent
Dictum often-used saying
Dilettante person who dabbles in the arts
Disdained showed contempt for
Dispassionate unbiased; fair
Dowager an elderly woman of elevate social status
Dubious doubtful
Egalitarian equal; believer in equality
Elicit draw out (used mainly for information or feelings)
Elliptical 1. Shaped like an ellipse, 2. indirect
Epitomizes acts as a typical example of
Equivocate speak ambiguously/vaguely
Evasiveness trying to avoid something
Explicitly very clear; nothing hidden
Foraging searching for food
Hypothetical based on guesswork; not proven
Iconoclast person who goes against accepted authority
Idiosyncratic quirky; unique to an individual
Imponderable cannot be understood
Indecorous not well-behaved; lacking in dignity
Indigence extreme poverty
Inept clumsy
Inherent inbuilt; genetic
Intricate complicated
Irrefutable cannot be proved wrong
Jingoism using words to stir up exaggerated patriotism
Jubilant joyful
Judicious fair and equal
Lament express regret over something
Loquacious talkative; using too many words
Mendicancy begging
Metaphorical not literal; figurative
Milieu environment; surroundings
Mitigated made less severe
Nascent just begun; in an early stage of development
Nostalgia longing for the past
Obtrusive easily seen
Orthographical concerned with writing and spelling
Ossified become fixed and rigid
Ostentatious showy
Palpable can be felt
Pastoral 1. concerned with the countryside, 2. concerned with the care a pastor gives to someone
Pedestrian 1. Boring (adj), 2. person who walks (n)
Perfidy treachery; betrayal
Profligacy wasteful and immoral behavior
Prohibitive very expensive
Prudence wisdom; caution
Pugnacious aggressive
Purveyor one who sells something or causes something to spread
Resonance echo
Respite Break (from work etc.)
Resurgence revival
Sparse Thin; not thick
Stringent strict
Succumbing giving in to; falling under the influence of
Supercilious arrogant
Tenacity firmness of purpose
Transcend go beyond a limit
Variegated multi colored
Venerable worthy of respect
Viable workable; able to live or grow
Visceral concerned with the ‘guts’; physical rather than mental

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