AUD339 Auditing UiTM assignment example Malaysia
In this assignment, you will be responsible for completing a UiTM audit. The objectives of the audit are to assess how well our company is performing in terms of financial performance and compliance with regulatory requirements; identify areas where we need to improve; and make recommendations for corrective action.
The primary focus of this project is on the financial aspects of our business, so it is important that your work focuses on accurate data collection and interpretation as well as timely identification of potential problems. In addition, it would be beneficial if you were able to develop good working relationships with key stakeholders within my company – particularly those who have expertise in accounting or auditing – so that they can provide valuable input into your reportage.
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Checkout free AUD339 Auditing UiTM assignment example Malaysia
“Explore our free AUD339 Auditing UiTM assignment example, an invaluable resource for Aud339 assignment answers and aud339 group assignment preparation. This comprehensive guide demonstrates the fundamental aspects of financial analysis and report preparation, serving as a helpful reference for students gearing up for their AUD339 Audit class at UiTM.”
Assignment Activity 1: To explain the fundamental of auditing and the concept of pre-planning in auditing process and auditing of financial statement of non-complex entities
In auditing, the fundamental of auditing and the concept of pre-planning is to identify any possible irregularities in a financial statement before it is filed with the DOJ. The purpose of this step is to avoid potential fraud or money laundering. This process begins by reviewing all aspects of a financial statement—from data entry through analysis and interpretation—to ensure that no errors exist that could impact an entity’s accuracy and completeness. Once these conditions are met, we then use our proprietary techniques to extract information about each item in order to confirm whether it was reported accurately on both its individual level (the amount paid for goods or services) as well as at the group level (the sales generated from those products).
It is important to understand the concept of pre-planning in auditing and auditing of financial statements of non-complex entities. Pre-planning refers to the process by which an auditor preliminary prepares a report on an entity for issue or review. In other words, it includes understanding all aspects related to the assessment and evaluation of whether an entity meets all required criteria that would allow its presentation in a positive light on audit reports prepared subsequent thereto (such as financial statements).
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Assignment Activity 2: To evaluate the auditing process and the implementation of internal control system in organization.
The audit is the process of reviewing and assessing a company’s financial statements. The purpose of an audit is to provide information that can be used by management in making decisions about the business. An auditor reviews all aspects of a company’s financial statement—from its preparation, presentation, and analysis to its internal control over financial reporting—to ensure that it meets Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
Organizations require effective and efficient internal control systems to ensure that their business operations are managed effectively. Internal controls allow organizations to identify and prevent problems, maintain efficiency, and improve overall performance. The effectiveness of an organization’s internal control system is highly dependent on the number and type of checks and balances in place within its governance structure, as well as on the level of information available to controllers about company operation.
Assignment Activity 3: To present the latest contemporary issues and developments in auditing.
Auditing is an essential part of any modern business. It helps to identify and prevent fraud, protect the business, and improve overall financial performance. In addition to its many benefits, auditing also offers a unique opportunity for training and development within accounting firms as well as opportunities for networking with other professionals in the field of auditing.
The field of auditing encompasses the assessment and review of financial statements, business operations and management, capital markets analysis, compliance issues and risks in organizations. In order to provide timely feedback on all aspects of an organization’s performance, it is essential that those who are responsible for ensuring these objectives have access to accurate information at all times. That is why we designed our software program specifically for audit professionals – so they can quickly receive comprehensive reports on any activity or decision within their organization.
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