AGR612 Management Of Plantation Crops II UITM Assignment Sample
AGR612 Management of Plantation Crops II course is an important part of the agricultural curriculum and offers several advantages for students of this field. This course focuses on introducing and studying the various aspects of plantation crops, including their properties, characteristics, and management practices. Through this course, students gain a solid foundation in how to effectively manage these crops from germination to maturity by understanding their biology, variety selection, timing, soil management and pest control methods.
They also learn about select specialty crops, nutrition management, quality assurance principles and harvesting practices. This course provides practical experiences so that students can apply the theoretical concepts they have learned and take away valuable skills they can use in their professional careers as technicians or plant managers in plantations or with crop distributors.
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Enhance your knowledge of the AGR612 Management of Plantation Crops II course by examining assignment samples! has a wide selection of assignment samples available from AGR612 Management of Plantation Crops II – Malaysia’s most esteemed course in the field! With our carefully-compiled models and solutions, you’ll be able to sharpen your skills and get better acquainted with the topic. All you have to do is review these samples and get up close and personal with the theoretical and practical aspects of AGR612 Management of Plantation Crops II! is one of Malaysia’s most prominent academic resource providers and we can help boost your knowledge significantly.
Here, let’s review some of the tasks we must complete for our assignment. Specifically, these include:
Assignment Activity 1: Explain the economic importance of paddy, cocoa, pineapple and pepper as secondary plantation crops.
Secondary plantation crops such as paddy, cocoa, pineapple and pepper can provide countries with the opportunity to diversify their economies. Paddy is an incredibly resilient crop that can be grown in a number of terrains, leading to its inclusion in many different cuisines. Cocoa has been providing a reliable source of income for countries like Ghana and Ivory Coast since it was introduced a few centuries ago; there are more than 20 million farming households involved in cocoa production worldwide.
Pineapple has also had significant economic value for some time; for example, Costa Rica produces approximately 2/3 of the world’s pineapples using better agricultural techniques than many other developing countries. Pepper is one of the most widely used spices in cooking due to its unique taste and aroma; because of its high demand worldwide, it has become an important primary source of income across multiple countries including Indonesia and Thailand. Therefore, these secondary plantation crops are incredibly invaluable when it comes to providing economic benefits to their growing economies.
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Assignment Activity 2: Discuss the agronomic requirement and practices for sustainable secondary crop production.
Sustainable secondary crop production is an important undertaking in modern agronomy. To ensure a successful implementation of sustainable agricultural practices, farmers must consider a variety of agronomic requirements and adhere to certain practices. Requirements may include remembering to securely fence in designated areas for cultivating secondary crops, selecting soils appropriate for the selected species, and pre-emptively providing supplementary irrigation if necessary.
Practices that are especially important for sustainable crop production include monitoring weather patterns, creating dedicated plots for experimentation, researching pest management methods, and carefully measuring yields. Such considerations ensure a successful and ethic-aware approach to secondary crop production that protects the environment while still delivering high yields.
Assignment Activity 3: Identify and communicate the ideas on the current situation of secondary plantation crops in Malaysia through the presentation and report of the assignment.
Malaysia is now a major producer of secondary plantation crops in Southeast Asia, with most production centered around fruit and food products. Though an abundance of resources are present for the development of these crops, there are some areas where interventions by policymakers are needed. Issues such as sustainability, lack of research and development, low market access and price instability remain that need to be addressed. To ensure the successful continuation of this agro-industry sector, Malaysia must promote a stable agricultural climate by establishing proper policies that can further increase efficiency levels.
Additionally, further effort should be put into increasing knowledge and awareness amongst stakeholders about land use, farming practices and harvesting techniques. This assignment seeks to provide an indication on the current situation of secondary plantations in Malaysia through comprehensive presentations and reports which clearly communicate these ideas.
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The assignment sample discussed above is based on MANAGEMENT OF PLANTATION CROPS II. We have a team of highly-skilled Malaysian writers who are able to research, write and edit your assignment in line with the instructions provided by you. Our writers have extensive experience in managing and writing assignments related to plantation crops, including topics like the management of trees, soil fertility requirements, pest and disease control, harvesting operations, post-harvest processing, and storage.
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