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This course aims to introduce philosophy to the students which includes the Philosophy of National Education (FPK) and Rukun Negara. Students will be exposed to the use of philosophy as a medium to purify the culture of thought in life through the art and methods of thinking as well as human concepts. Major topics in philosophy namely epistemology, metaphysics, logic, and ethics are discussed in the context of current issues. Emphasis is given
to philosophy as a basis for inter -cultural dialogue and fostering common values. At the end of this course, students will be able to see the disciplines of knowledge as a body of knowledge (body of knowledge) that is comprehensive and related to each other.
The main aim of this course is to foster an appreciation of philosophy, values, and history among students. This course provides an emphasis of the aspects of the relationship between humans and its implications for the environment.
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
1. Explain current issues based on philosophy, National Education Philosophy and National Pillars
2. Explain current issues based on the main streams of thought in various philosophical streams
3. Elaborate on current issues through a comparative philosophical perspective as a basis for intercultural dialogue
1. Title Selection:
• Choose ONE title and write an essay on the selected topic.
2. Length:
• The essay should be between 1800 – 2000 words.
3. Thesis Statement:
• Write a clear thesis statement summarizing the position you are arguing for.
• Refer to this guide on thesis statements: Grammarly Guide
4. Introduction:
• Provide a ‘road map’ in the introduction, outlining what you intend to
accomplish in each key stage of your essay.
• You may use first-person perspective (“First, I will analyze…”) or a third-person
perspective (“First, the essay will analyze…”).
5. Expository Writing:
• Ensure your expository writing is clear and accurate, showing logical
connections between different parts of the philosophical system.
• Avoid vague or overly brief exposition, serious omissions, or misunderstandings.
6. Content Development:
• As you develop your essay, consider the following:
• Strengths of a philosopher’s theory.
• Arguments provided by the philosopher in support of the theory and
additional arguments that might support it.
• Possible criticisms of those arguments.
• How the philosopher has or could reply to these criticisms.
7. Evaluation:
• Evaluate the topics critically: Do the arguments work or not? Be selective,
especially in a shorter paper.
• In a 2000-word essay, discuss one or two arguments in favor and one or two
• Plan your essay carefully.
8. Comparative Appraisal (Optional):
• For a critical evaluation assignment, you may compare two or more theories.
For example, “Which account of human decision-making is stronger: X’s free
will theory or Y’s determinist theory?”
• Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each theory, arguing which account is better or if neither is clearly superior.
1. Cover Page:
• The first page must include the module name, your name, cohort, question
number, and assignment title only.
2. Document Format:
• Submit the assignment in Word Doc format.
• Use Times New Roman (size 12) or Arial font (size 11) with 1.5 line spacing.
3. File Naming:
• Name your assignment file with your own name.
4. Referencing:
• Use APA edition 7.0 style for references and in-text citations.
5. Plagiarism Check:
• Upload your assignment to Turnitin to check for plagiarism.
• Ensure the similarity index is less than 15%.
6. Turnitin Submission:
• Download your “Current View” file in PDF format from Turnitin.
• Answer the questions in the “Assignment Declaration” section.
• Upload the “Current View” file into “Submission: Written Assignment”.
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1. If you are not 100% confident in your success, should you ignore the opportunity or take it?
2. If you had a chance to spend a year in a time period of your choice, which time would it be?
3. Imagine you have a time machine, which situation in your life would you change?
4. Discuss the role the society plays in one’s personality formation.
5. Do all people have both good and bad traits?
6. What does love mean to you?
7. Can a person be happy without a family?
8. Provide your own definition of happiness. Are you happy?
9. A well-paid job or vocation: which would you choose?
10. Do you consider yourself a unique personality? How do you that you are different from others?
11. Should people always obey the rules? Where is the line between breaking the rules for the greater good and rebellion?
12. Why do some people live without feeling alive?
13. Discuss crucial modern-life values.
14. Who would you marry: a rich person you do not love or a love of your life with whom your family will be struggling to make ends meet?
15. Create your definition of loneliness.
16. Is there life after death? If yes, how do you prepare for it?
17. Does being rich always mean having a lot of money?
18. Discuss the three main character traits that determine who you are. Would you like to change any of them?
19. Are we the only living organism in the Universe?
20. What is the biggest treasure in your life? What is that you would like to change?
21. What can truly upset you? How would you deal with it?
22. What is the most important decision you have made in your life? What defines its significance?
23. Would you like to live your life more than once?
24. To love or to be loved: which is more important?
25. Do all people need education? Has the significance of education changed over time?
26. Is it possible to be educated without going to school?
27. Why do beauty standards change so often?
28. Describe a perfect life. What prevents you from living it?
29. Some people think that love lives for only three years. Do you agree?
30. How valuable is the truth? Can you think of situations when the lie is better?
31. Are emotions always helpful?
32. How to boost one’s creativity?
33. Is democracy real?
34. Determinism or free will: which theory do you support?
35. Are animals different from people?
36. Is acting ethically needed so as to achieve pleasure and happiness?
37. Is human knowledge a result of learning, experience, or evolution?
38. Are the differences between free will and spiritual power?
39. Why is it complicated to live a happy life?
40. Does genetics contribute to human behavior?
41. Is it possible to state that the truth a relative issue?
42. What things make human life meaningful?
43. What things make human life senseless?
44. What role does death play in humankind’s development?
45. What is love?
46. What is happiness?
47. What is harmony?
48. What is power?
49. What is total control? Pros and cons of this phenomenon
50. Is it possible to design an ideal world?
51. How to create an ideal society?
52. What is eternity?
53. Should humans be provided with the possibility to make choices?
54. Should humans live in accordance with the established laws?
55. What does the term ‘to cross the border of ethical conduct’ mean?
56. How to reach peace in the globalized world?
57. What are the roles of the Good and the Evil?
58. What is the effect of the binary opposition on the development of the humankind?
59. Is morality objective or subjective?
60. War and Peace: How are they interrelated with each other.
61. How do social media affect morals?
62. Video games and their effects on the moral behavior of people.
63. Could the murder be justified?
64. Consciousness vs subconsciousness.
65. How to increase the level of IQ?
66. What is the influence of beauty on the development of humankind?
67. How to always think positively?
68. What will the future of humankind?
69. Are any types of tortures justifiable?
70. Are parents responsible for the deeds of their children?
71. How to solve the issue of parents and children?
72. What was the first – an egg or a hen?
73. What is the Supernatural? Are there any proofs of its existence?
74. Why are humans cruel and evil?
75. Pros and cons of committing suicide.
76. Why are some humans evil or good by nature?
77. Can the belief in God change human nature?
78. What is anti-utopia?
79. Should religious sects be banned by law?
80. Is science incompatible/compatible with religion in the contemporary world?
81. Are experiments on animals ethically justified?
82. Utilitarianism: pros and cons
83. Communism: pros and cons
84. Egoism: cons and pros
85. Are morals related to culture?
86. Artificial intelligent: advantages and disadvantages
87. Machiavelli’s ideas: positive and negative features
88. Are experiments on human beings ethically justified?
89. Should genetic engineering be legal?
90. Should abortions be legalized?
91. Pros and cons of capital punishment