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Introduction to the Organisation
(Approx. 100 words)
Introduce the selected organisation by briefly describing who they are, their history, size, type of business, location, and the chosen geographic market and target segment for the marketing plan.
(Approx. 500 words)
In this section, explain the organisation’s current position in the marketplace.
Reference relevant data from your appendix, such as a detailed SWOT, PESTEL, and competitor analysis.
(Approx. 100 words)
Explain what the marketing activities are intended to achieve. Draw on the organisation’s strategic objectives to develop the marketing objectives.
Example: Increase market share by 10% within the next 12 months in the target market.
(Approx. 750 words)
This section outlines the strategy to achieve the marketing objectives.
Ensure the strategy focuses on one geographic market and one target segment over the next 12 months.
(Approx. 750 words)
This section focuses on the specific tactics to follow the chosen strategy and achieve the marketing objectives.
Use relevant theories and integrate the marketing mix choices to ensure consistency.
(Approx. 100 words)
Explain how the marketing strategy and tactics will be implemented.
Consider using a Gantt chart or timeline for clarity.
(Approx. 200 words)
Describe how the performance of the marketing plan will be measured and controlled.
Include a full list of all sources cited in the report, formatted according to Harvard referencing protocols.
Include detailed supporting data such as:
Note: The appendix should be used appropriately and not to circumvent the word count. It should be a maximum of 5 pages. No marks are allocated for the appendix.
Assessment Criteria | Research and Synthesis |
Fail (0-39) | No evidence of analysis or minimal reference to appropriate sources. Situational Analysis (Audit) is missing or does not provide evidence to support a marketing plan. SWOT is unsubstantiated and very basic. |
Marginal Fail (40-49) | Limited analysis and reference to appropriate sources. Situational Analysis (Audit) is poor and does not provide enough evidence to support a marketing plan. SWOT is basic with generic key drivers. |
Pass (50-59) | Satisfactory analysis and reference to appropriate sources. Situational Analysis makes use of relevant data. Satisfactory approach to conducting analysis and developing SWOT. Identifies relevant key drivers to support the marketing plan. |
Merit (60-69) | Good analysis and draws on a wide range of appropriate sources. Situational Analysis makes a good case to support the marketing plan. SWOT and other models applied move beyond basic application. |
Distinction (70-79) | Excellent analysis and draws on an extensive range of appropriate sources. Situational Analysis makes an excellent case to support the marketing plan. SWOT and other models are applied to a high standard. |
Distinction (80+) | Outstanding analysis and draws on an extensive range of appropriate sources. Situational Analysis makes a sophisticated case to support the marketing plan. SWOT and other models are applied to a professional standard. |
Assessment Criteria | Details |
Fail (0-39) | Typically, demonstrates little knowledge of the field, with significant weaknesses in the knowledge base, and/or simply reproduces knowledge without evidence of understanding. Fails to evidence, discuss, or apply appropriate examples of literature relating to current research in the field. Does not include any citations or a reference list. |
Marginal Fail (40-49) | Typically, demonstrates limited knowledge of the field and some awareness of current evidence and issues, but with some notable weaknesses. Lacks knowledge and understanding of some key areas. References to appropriate literature and evidence are insufficient and/or inconsistent. Does not include complete citations and reference list. |
Pass (50-59) | Generally, demonstrates a sound knowledge and understanding of material within a specialised field. Discusses examples of literature relating to current research in the field but lacks critical engagement. Has many citation and reference list errors. |
Merit (60-69) | Demonstrates a systematic knowledge-based understanding and critical awareness of current problems/professional practice, academic debate, and/or contemporary discourse. Engages critically with a range of sources in order to support the analysis. Has few citation and reference list errors. |
Distinction (70-79) | Displays mastery of a complex and specialised area of knowledge and skills, with notable critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights at the forefront of the field. Synthesises, with notable insight, a wide range of sources in order to support learning and analysis within different organisations and contexts, resolving complex situations and disputes. Has no citation or reference list errors. |
Distinction (80+) | Demonstrates a remarkable command of the relevant wider literature in the field to develop our understanding of the topic in significant and imaginative ways. Has no citation or reference list errors. |
Assessment Criteria | Application to Practice |
Fail (0-39) | No evidence of appropriate strategy or tactical plan. No evidence of implementation and control plans. Lacks demonstration of applied theory. |
Marginal Fail (40-49) | Limited application of strategy or development of tactical plan. Limited implementation and control plans. Minimal demonstration of applied theory. |
Pass (50-59) | Satisfactory application of strategy and development of tactical plan with appropriate coverage of the marketing mix. May be more operational than strategic. Satisfactory implementation and control plans. Demonstration of applied theory. |
Merit (60-69) | Good application of strategy and development of tactical plan with equal balance between the strategy and operational elements. Considered implementation and control plans. Shows a good fit with the brand/industry context. Strong demonstration of applied theory. |
Distinction (70-79) | Excellent application of strategy and development of tactical plan with strong focus on strategic elements. Excellent implementation and control plans. Shows an excellent fit with the brand/industry context. Demonstrates integration of the marketing mix. Strong demonstration of applied theory. |
Distinction (80+) | Outstanding application of strategy and development of tactical plan to professional level with very strong focus on strategic elements. Excellent implementation and control plans. Shows a sophisticated fit with the brand/industry context. Demonstrates total integration of the marketing mix. Strong demonstration of wide-ranging applied theory. |
Assessment Criteria | Clarity and Professionalism |
Fail (0-39) | Does not include enough content to communicate ideas. No coherent structure. Logic is unclear. Typically conveys meaning unclearly due to many grammatical and/or spelling errors. Does not meet expectations by not following assignment parameters. Does not respond to the assessment task and purpose. |
Marginal Fail (40-49) | Communicates ideas in a way that is unclear and wordy. Structures ideas in a haphazard manner. Logic is unclear. Concepts are either not discussed or are presented inaccurately. Often conveys meaning unclearly due to many grammatical and/or spelling errors. Minimally meets expectations by following few assignment parameters. Partially responds to the assessment task and purpose. |
Pass (50-59) | Communicates ideas in a way that is sometimes unclear and wordy. Structures ideas in a somewhat unconnected or disorganised manner. Abstract concepts are sometimes presented inaccurately. Some attempt to demonstrate relevance but this is sometimes unclear or underdeveloped. Sometimes conveys meaning unclearly due to grammatical and/or spelling errors. Partially meets expectations by somewhat following assignment parameters, addressing task and purpose. |
Merit (60-69) | Communicates ideas in a way that is mostly clear and concise. Connects ideas in a way that is mostly organised and logical. Abstract concepts are explained mostly accurately. Mostly conveys meaning clearly, with few grammatical or spelling errors. Meets expectations by following assignment parameters through fully addressing task and purpose. |
Distinction (70-79) | Communicates ideas in a way that is clear and concise. Connects ideas in a way that is organised and logical. Abstract concepts are explained accurately. Explanation of concepts makes sense to an uninformed reader. Always conveys meaning clearly, with no grammatical or spelling errors. Exceeds expectations with meaningful transformation of assignment parameters, task and purpose. |
Distinction (80+) | Language is clear and expressive. Always conveys meaning clearly, with no grammatical or spelling errors. Exceeds expectations with meaningful transformation of assignment parameters, task and purpose. |
This assessment is designed to assess the following learning outcomes:
1. Critically evaluate the macro and micro environmental issues that inform strategic international marketing planning decision making;
2. Make informed judgements on the strategic application of segmentation, targeting and positioning in the marketing planning process;
3. Synthesise an implementation and control plan to meet a marketing objective using appropriate theoretical frameworks.