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Monitoring of Private Vehicle for Management
I hereby declare that the material in this thesis is my own except for quotations, equations, summaries and references, which have been duly acknowledged.
September 13, 2023 Fariz Iqmal Bin Muhammad
The automotive landscape is rapidly evolving, especially in the area of managingavehicle fleets. Vehicle fleets play a role in enhancing the vehicle operational efficiency and performance. This abstract provides an overview of a systemdesignto monitor and manage private vehicles efficiently. The main goal of the project isto develop and demonstrate an integrated solution that makes use of telematics, and data analytic to give fleet managers real-time access to informationandcommand over a collection of vehicles.
The hardware component within the proposed system will consists of the useof telematics devices and sensor installed within each car, which can gather awiderange of data such as GPS coordinator, vehicle diagnostics, and fuel consumption. The data will be transmitted to a centralized software platformfor processing, analysis, and display.
DECLARATION……………………………………………………………………………………..2ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………………………..3TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………………………… 4LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………………………….. 5LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………………… 6FINAL YEAR PROJECT…………………………………………………………………………… 7PROPOSAL …………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
1.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………. 71.2 Problem Background ……………………………………………………………………….81.3 Project Statements ………………………………………………………………………… 91.4 Project Objectives ………………………………………………………………………… 101.5 Project Scope ……………………………………………………………………………… 111.6 Literature Review ………………………………………………………………………….151.7 Project Methodology …………………………………………………………….171.8 Milestones and Dates …………………………………………………………….191.9 Gantt Chart …………………………………………………………….20
Title Page
Table 1: Final Year Project 1 __________________________________________13Table 2: Gantt Chart ________________________________________________14
Figure 1: Workflow Diagram 11Figure 2: Agile Methodology 12
1.1 Introduction
The automotive industry is undergoing a fundamental shift becauseof technology breakthroughs and rising demand for efficiency. Within this changingcontext, vehicle fleet management has arisen as a critical challenge and opportunityfor enterprises in a variety of industries, including logistics, transportation, andservices. Fleet management is referred to the management of a company’s or organization’s fleet of vehicles, which can include cars, trucks, vans, andother types of vehicles used for business purposes.
Fleet management system is important to these businesses as they involvea vast number of vehicles scatter around globally for the purpose of their business operation continuity. This system allows global surveillance of everyvehicle in practically every industry worldwide. In the oil and gas business, for example, fleet management systems are critical for corporations like Shell toremotely monitor all of their trucks. This monitoring encompasses everythingfrom the vehicle’s specific details, logistics, allocated drivers, and wear andtear maintenance including oil filter, engine oil, tires, and brake pad maintenance.
The niche market of fleet management for personal cars management system for the public has not yet been investigate because most households canpossess more than one vehicle. One way to address this issue is to reducetheservice’s scope to a more personal level where consumers feel more at ease, especially for owners who have many vehicles to take care of their vehicles’ status.
The major purpose of this project is to design, develop, and deploy anweb- based system that provides complete vehicle monitoring, providing fleet managerswith real-time insights using the On-board diagnostics (OBD) system, and decision- making tools.
1.2 Problem Background
The effective management of vehicle fleets has arisen as a significant concern in an era characterized by growing urbanization, globalization, and arisingreliance on vehicular transportation for varied businesses and services. Organizations in logistics, delivery services, public transit, corporate mobility, andother industries rely on effective fleet use, monitoring, maintenance andcost- effective. This also apply to personal vehicle transportation in which that thereliability of the vehicle continuation to be uses.
Traditional fleet management approaches, on the other hand, frequentlyfail to satisfy the changing demands of today’s dynamic and linked globe. Sub-optimal vehicle use, unexpected failures, fuel inefficiency, driver behaviour monitoring, andthe requirement for proactive maintenance scheduling are all issues that requireinventive and data-driven solutions.
Furthermore, the introduction of telematics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced data analytic technologies gives an unparalleled opportunity tore imagine of how we monitor and operate cars in a group or fleet context.
Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to own more than one car because everyfamily will eventually pass down the family car to their offspring. This processdifferent from family to family but managing the car does become cumbersomelater on where the vehicle might run into problems for instance, the sonor daughter, that they do not know how to handle, thus turning their headtothefamily head, hoping the vehicle problem to be solve magically. Such situationcanbe a bit too late and dangerous if not handle it early on.
A user-friendly personal vehicle management system capable of monitoringvehicles is necessary as a remedy for this absence on a smaller scale or for personal vehicle management adaptability. This is because some of the aboveproblems are industrial level that been dealt with but not on smaller scalethat which ordinary people felt with, when the difficulty of managing multiple vehiclesare also now on themselves to manage. For example, unknown troubles withthebrake and airbags can be detect early on to avoid mishaps.
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1.3 Project Statements
Vehicle conditions are important to maintain especially when usingtheautomotive for a long run. The nature of things is that stuff do erode over timeinwhich then need the daily checking and maintenance of said stuff. This is all toavoid the mishaps that may happen during the usage of the things. This isespecially true when all material and components involve is a crucial part of theautomobile to run.
Having a multiple vehicle to keep track is also a thing that needtobeaddress as not to mix up with other vehicle when doing the maintenance. Keepingtrack of the vehicle conditions as when did it last maintain is quite a hassleif not taken note of it. A streamline of information in managing the vehicle stateisrequired when owning multiple vehicles.
Thus, the web page design should be solving in managing all the users needto monitor their vehicle and notifying them for them to take initiative to fix their vehicle as soon as possible. The conditions of the vehicle should also be shownsothat the owner will take action to bring the vehicle to be repaired, if such a vehicleis in dire condition. Another tangent example would be, if the vehicle is out of their reach, like for example of it being used by their son, they should notify themtofixthe vehicle first by taking it to car workshop, before using it any further.
1.4 Project Objectives
The main goal of objective that need to achieve:
1.1.1 To implement and test the monitoring of a car condition using theOBDsystem embedded in modern car.
1.1.2 To develop a web-based system to manage the involvement of personal vehicle in fleet management.
1.5 Project Scope
The scope of project:
There are several modules to be utilized in developing the systemto managingafleet of vehicle.
1.5.1 Flowchart Explanation
This flowchart shows the system process’s workflow frombeginningtoconclusion. Identifying the user as a customer or admin can be done byfirst completing the User Identification (ID) process. In the event that the user is new, an account will be created with a unique User ID.
Subsequently, the user will have access to the admin module in accordancewith their role as admin. Customer Maintenance Module, Address-GPS Module, Customer History Login, and Maintenance Module Type are all included intheadmin module. The administration module’s primary function is to keep an eyeonthe client database and update them about their car.
Following that is the customer module, which is a module created tostoretheir information. This information includes the status of their vehicle module, vehicle maintenance remainder, and customer profile. Here, customers may checkthe status of their vehicles and decide what to do next, making it the most crucial element of the module.
At the completion of the process, the user will logout, bringing the workflowflowchart to a close.
1.6.1 GPS Tracking System
GPS Tracking System are very common to be found in today vehicleasthese devices are responsible for collecting location data and transmitting it tothecentral server. The location information obtained from the GPS devices is alsoprocessed and stored by the central server. Fleet managers and other authorizedusers can obtain real-time tracking data thanks to this essential component. Then, using the fleet software users can access real-time tracking data through aweb- based interface or software. This is where they can view maps, track vehiclelocations, and access related features and information.
1.6.2 Route Planning and Optimization
Route planning and optimization is one of few common features that fleet website adopt. In most cases, they are for the company vehicle checkingtheoptimal route to do their delivery. This planning also setup an estimationof deliveries arrival, in which also making it easier for pickup. An evaluation of driver behaviors, vehicle efficiency, and overall operational performance can also createperformance indicators and reports for the user.
To sum up, fleet management has many advantages, such as lower costs, more effectiveness, increased safety, and less environmental impact. It’s crucial toremember that not all fleet management systems rely solely on OBD data, evenif OBD is a useful source of data for fleet management. To provide a complete pictureof a vehicle’s performance and driver behavior, certain systems may also makeuseof additional sensors, telematics, and GPS tracking.
Because of this, the system that is going to be developed will rely ontheOBD system, which will allow us to get the data we need fromthe car in order tocollect data from its network of sensors. From there, the systemwill be able tousethe data to control various systems or alert the user to any problems withthevehicle.
1.6.3 OBD system
The OBD system in vehicles refers to a standardized computer systemusedfor self-diagnosis and reporting of a vehicle’s engine and other vital systems. Themajor function of the OBD system is to monitor and report the performance of thevehicle’s engine and various components, as well as to assist technicians andmechanics in diagnosing and repairing car problems or issues.
OBD system have become a regular component in modern automobiles andare critical for diagnosing and maintaining the engine and emissions systems’ health. They assist vehicle owners and technicians in identifying and addressingproblems as soon as possible, to decreasing the risk of more serious difficulties andensuring that the vehicle functions effectively and in accordance with emissionsrules.
1.6.4 Mileage Tracking
Mileage Tracking is another niche for the system that can be implementedas few other websites apply it. Maintaining a thorough log of the distances drivenby every vehicle in the fleet is the goal of mileage tracking as it relates to personal fleet management. This tool is especially helpful for individuals, small enterprises, or organizations that don’t have many cars because it makes cost management, and expense tracking much easier.
1.7 Project Methodology
Agile is a method that is iterative and adaptable. This is commonly usedinsoftware development, as it can adapt to the situation of the project when it needsto be adjusted.
The following adjustment can compromise by dividing the project intoasmaller iteration to work with. A smaller component of the project then canbefocused and prioritize to work on based on their importance and complexity.
It also relies on the help of other people, as it seeks out other peopleinput on the matter as well. This is important as the project requirements are not fullyknown upfront or when changes are expected in project scope.
Figure 2: Agile Methodology Diagram
Phase 1: Requirements
The first phase is where the project start, it is where all requirements must be meet, understand and fulfill as where the objective of the project need to achieve.
Phase 2: Design
In this phase, the design of the project is done. Since this project isproduct-based project, which is a software development, the design will probably
be done in the form of web-based product. The UI and database must alsobeconsidered when designing.
Phase 3: Development
After designing, developing the software will be a core part of this project as it will determine whether the software is able to produce the expectedresult. The coding behind developing this software will be dependent on the skill set that is learned during the student admission in the university and their capability utilizeit.
Phase 4: Testing
The next part is testing out the software that has been develop bythestudent to check out the error in anyway shape or form. Particularly this processwould be called debugging. The testing needs to be done to pinpoint any particular irregularities in the software when we run it.
Phase 5: Deployment
This part would be when the student needs to present the work or theproduct that they produce to the panel. However, before deploying it, the student would already fix the problem or any error that they might encounter duringthetesting phase.
Phase 6: Review
Finally, the final phase would be when the student receives the criticismfrom the panel about the product. This phase should be a final phase unless thepanel ask a more improve version of the product based on criticismthat we wouldhave to applied when first receive the review.
1.8 Milestones and Dates
Final Year Project 1
1.9 Gantt Chart
2.1.1 GPS Tracking: Global Positioning System
GPS tracking systems have become more and more common amongmodern vehicle. The highly accuracy L-band navigation signals fromtheconstellation of GPS satellites are tracked by the GPS receiver on a microsatelliteinlow Earth orbit (LEO). Radio occultation measurements allowing for global mappingof the ionosphere with adequate temporal and spatial precision to examine several critical dynamic processes in the ionosphere/thermosphere systemandtheir relationships to events in the atmosphere and solid Earth. An accurate calculationof this process will lead to the location of the vehicle to be inserted into thewebinterface written in PHP, implemented to be directly connect to a database.
Figure 3: NEO6M-GPS-Module
2.1.2 Route Planning and Optimization
2.1.3 OBD System
OBD stands for On-Board Diagnostics and is a computer inside the vehiclethat keep track and regulates a car condition. It begin in 1980, wherethedevelopment is to tackle several problems. One of the reason was to assist inreducing car emissions. OBD systems aid in this area by continuously monitoringthe operation of critical engine components for any system breakdowns that couldresult in increased emissions. OBD is so useful in this area that it is includedinEPAmaterial on Clean Air Act implementation. Electronic fuel injection and electroniccomponent was also the reason that it grew in popularity for the development to
then leading several iterations of it in early development. Today, OBDisastandardized system that dictates the connectors and trouble codes used, allowingtechnicians to service a wide range of automobiles quickly and precisely.
OBD-II (second-generation OBD) systems are widely used in Malaysia, asthey are in many other nations. OBD-II is a standardized systemthat offers moresophisticated monitoring and diagnostic capabilities than OBD-I. In many regions, OBD-II systems are necessary for compliance with emissions requirements, allowing authorities and technicians to inspect a vehicle’s emissions performance.
Figure 5: OBD port to connect with OBD scanner
OBD-II development has resulted in the creation of OBD-II scanninginstruments, known as OBD-II readers, which can interact with any car via the16- pin connector. The SAE J1979 standard defines these codes as it will get interpreted in accordance with one of the five OBD-II signaling methods.
2.1.4 Mileage Tracking
Mileage tracking is one of the few features that can be implementedwhendeveloping the system. This particular system usually are in the taxi businesses. The purpose of a mileage tracking system is to assist users in tracking mileagereadings via an external application such as a phone and to notify users whenmaintenance services are required.
Mileage Tracking can be useful in certain area like for example whenshoulduser be changing their motor oil. Other factors can affect how often youshouldchange your oil, even though the general rule of thumb is to have an oil changeevery 5,000 to 7,500 miles or more, depending on your car’s age andoil-lifemonitoring system.
2.2.1 Odoo
One of the special applications within the Odoo suite of free andopensource software is fleet management software. Three million customers of thecorporation use it to expand their businesses. This open source software is entirelycustomizable and integrated, catering to a variety of business needs includingaccounting, CRM, inventory management, and accounting.
Best features:
Overview | Definition |
Feature Software | Fuel Management and GPS tracking |
Calendar and
Reminder |
Prompt reminders of the issues are provided by the software’s calendar and reminder system.
Documentation | It makes segmentation, document keeping, and mobile easier. |
Integration |
Integration of the software for social networking and automation.
Support | The software facilitates user communication through chat integration and email marketing. |
Table 3: Odoo best feature
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
To ensure flexibility and responsiveness to changing issues, anAgilemethodology is used to look into the monitorization of private vehicle management. This methodology, which is based on Agile concepts in software development,
emphasizes iterative cycles of planning, tracking, and reassessment. In order topromote continual progress, the research will separate the study into manageablesprints, each focusing on a certain area of vehicle monitorization. This strategyisbased on regular feedback loops and the adaptability to change methodsmidstream. Through the application of Agile principles, this research aims toeffectively negotiate the intricacies of private car monitorization while maintainingaresponsiveness to new developments and breakthroughs in the market.
3.2 Agile Methodology
3.2.1 Requirements
Planning is the first stage of this project and the development process startshere. This phase’s activities include choosing the issue statement, discussingthestudy’s background with the supervisor, and agreeing on the project title. Asaresult, the results of the activities might be applied to clarify the problemstatement, define the aim, define the project’s scope, and determine its importance.
3.2.2 Design
The design of the application are in this phase where the architectureanduser interface are to be challenge. The design must include all of the important requirements that are mention to be solve. This project will have problems duringimplementation phase if the web-based system is designed poorly. All softwareandhardware requirements for this project will be determined in order to ensurethefunctionality of the system structure, which includes the hardware equipment, flowchart, and flow diagram. During this stage, the user interface and databasefor the application is design carefully.
3.2.3 Implementation
Implementation of the developed design is in this phase. This is wheremost the time where the project would spend time on to fulfill the requirements that have been determine. The implementation would run into trouble like missingthepoint of an issue if the design is bad. In this implementation, it would requiretheknowledge to implement the utilization of OBD Scanner. Transferring thedataobtain from the vehicle into the cloud database.
During this stage, the user interface and database for the applicationiscoded and implement carefully.
3.2.4 Testing
The web-based system is tested during this phase, letting us knowwherean error might occur when using this system. This testing should be done whenall of the requirements have been fulfill.
3.2.5 Deployment
This phase is when the system is ready for the a user to use. Thus, theuser that would first experience this system would be the supervisor as they can providea feedback on the where the system can be improve.
3.2.6 Maintenance
Maintenance phase would be the last phase where the systemshouldbelast improve upon if any major requirement have not been achieve. If suchrequirements did not achieve then, the accommodating to the recent changes shall be made upon supervisor advise.
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