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CLO4-Demonstrate a selected Operating System and its command
CLUSTER3: Practical Skills (LOC3a)
CLUSTER2: Cognitive Skills (LOC2)
(1) Set up a basic web server and database server on a Linux Operating System
(2) Develop mobile application on Android OS or other mobile OS
Your group is required to develop a system that stores GPS coordinates of mobile device users. Users will use a Check-in application that you develop on a mobile device using the Android or iOS operating system. Recorded GPS coordinates, user information and check-in time will be sent to a database located on the server. This server should be developed using the Linux Operating System. System administrators or authorized users can access the developed system using a web browser application. All components of this system are connected using the Internet.
This system involves at least FOUR (4) components that will be evaluated, which are mobile phone (with the check-in application), Linux servers (database & web server), administrator / user devices (with web browser) and the network that connects all components.
Briefly explain (no more than 1 page) about all the devices used when developing this system. Include actual photos of each device used.
Draw a diagram showing all the components involved and the connections between the components.
Setup and configuration
Describe each step taken to set up and configuring this system to be fully functional.
Briefly explain (in half a page) the advantages of the system your group has developed over existing systems available in the market.
The project report must be uploaded to UUM Online Learning no later than 11.59 pm, 4 July 2023 and a printed copy must be submitted to me in class (Group A – 6 Jul 2023 & Group B – 5 Jul 2023). Selection of project presentation slots based on FCFS.
Your group is required to demonstrate the system according to the slot that has been set. If your group chooses an online or video-recorded demonstration, only half of the marks will be awarded. Evaluation of the project demonstration is based on each functional component (Mobile phone, Linux Server, User Device and Network). ONE (1) mark is given for each component that works and ZERO (0) marks for the component that does not work. ONE (1) more mark will be given if I can access your system using my own device (mobile phone or computer) as a user device.
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