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Components of case study
1. Introduction of the problem
• Briefly outline the case to identify its significance.
• State the report’s aim(s).
2. Findings
• Identify the key problems you have identified.
• Present the central issue(s) with research evidences.
• Provide your reasoning for your choices such as supporting your findings with facts given in the case, the relevant theory and course concepts using legal ethical principles and professional code of conduct in physiotherapy practice.
• Highlight any underlying problems.
3. Discussion:
• Summarise the major problem(s).
• Identify alternative solutions to these major problem(s).
• Briefly outline each alternative solution where necessary and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.
4. Conclusion:
• Restate the purpose of the report.
• Sum up the main points from the findings, discussion, and recommendations.
5. References:
• List in alphabetical order all the references cited in the report.
Select any one problem from the below:
1. Constrained physiotherapy practice in rehabilitation setting.
2. Physiotherapy Students’ Experiences about Ethical Situations Encountered in Clinical Practices.
3. Impact of ethical issues experienced by health care professionals working in sports.
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