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There are a few initial steps to start planning for the above changes.
Expectations and Procedure
The new working mode for the company, requires setting up new procedures for employees, as well as expectations, to let them fully understand the benefits of telecommuting. The company needs to review the process of working and make the necessary changes when telecommuting starts. For example, many SME companies are likely to use hard copies to transmit work to others. With telecommuting, it should be reviewed to soft copy, as well as the information used. In addition, it is critical to define clear expectations of behavior and the time of job completed, especially for new joiner. The teaching from managers or senior for new joiner is very important, as it can reduce the unnecessary issues, such as miscommunication, delay of job completion.
Besides that, with the final target is to let telecommute from one to two per week become virtual enterprise, company should set procedures and expectations which aligned to the final target. Every process requires hard copy should be considered in the new procedure and the level of expectations for employees. It requires a lot of effort to plan with internal and external parties, such as cross function collaboration between different departments, suppliers, etc. (Staff, 2022)
Technology and Security
Technology plays an important role in the transition to virtual companies. Employees need the well-established technology to support them telecommuting smoothly, which includes software and hardware. To make virtual enterprise happen, company need to invest in an intranet. For example, company need to prepare and set up communication apps, such as Microsoft Teams, file sharing software, etc. These things are required to let employees telecommute smoothly and record all the necessary documents in soft copy format. In addition, telecommuting need to be meeting in virtual room, communication apps can help employees to have a good experience in discussion.
Moreover, the security is another common issue that need to focus when implemented telecommute. With the consideration of security, company need to invest and prepare the system to ensure all company data is safety. For example, two-factor authentication is an authentication method that can helps company and employees to reduce the risk of phishing email, hackers, etc.
Besides than software, company need to prepare the budget of purchasing hardware for employee, such as laptops, headphone, etc. With the popularize of telecommute, most of the companies provide the necessary hardware for employees. To attract or retain employees, company should provide the hardware for employees, with an effective plan of transferring hardware from one and others, as well as case of laptop broken or missing. (Upguard, 2022)
Government Policy and Legal for Contract Staff
With the idea to implement contract staff, company should understand the government policy and legal information clearly. Comparing permanent staff and contract staff, it is different in term of agreement, such as different government policy in different country, definition of contract staff. For example, in Malaysia, contract staff defined as part-time job, which they are having the same public holiday as permanent staff. However, the company annual bonus might not consider for part time staff. To avoid and reduce the risk of legal issue, company should understand clearly about the information of contract staff before implementing the changes.
In addition, it can lead to the loyalty of contract staff is commonly lower than permanent staff. It is because contract staff normally signed for one or two years, it increased the number of employee changes. For example, company faced the communication challenges with employees changing, the transferring of information is hard to maintain due to missing data. This is the point that company should prepare and plan if the idea of changing to contract staff. (Indeed, 2022)
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