MOS639: Mr. Butch Clas, HR Director for SEA and ANZ at Dow Chemical, found out how healthcare and wellbeing initiatives help: Occupational Safety and Health Assignment, AeU, Malaysia


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MOS639: Occupational Safety and Health

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Mr. Butch Clas, HR Director for SEA and ANZ at Dow Chemical, found out how healthcare and wellbeing initiatives help to improve employee satisfaction in various dimensions. “We believe that a healthy body and mind will lead to improved productivity, and hence, it is important to us to focus on initiatives that will make employees happy at work,” he said. Dow Chemical’s yearly internal employee attitude survey has shown an improvement i.e. stress reduction by 7% – supporting why having a corporate wellbeing program is important.

Not only does it benefit the employees, but it also significantly benefits the business. However, one of the biggest problems HR faces in employee well-being programs is the lack of participation. 52% of employers surveyed by Limeade, a pioneer in the HR technology industry admitted it was the biggest challenge, with 49% citing difficulty in maintaining interest and activation with 36% of respondents feeling like it’s a battle to help employees develop long-term healthy habits.

As Millennials take over the workforce, it provides HR with a different set of expectations to meet when it comes to well-being. This change in the talent landscape makes it all the more crucial for HR policies, strategies, and practices to evolve and address the current and upcoming needs, as well as the main interests of the workforce.

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For example, a look at how 41.29% of Millennials admitted to spending more on coffee than they invested in their retirement might be an indication of what truly matters to a younger workforce. Similarly, HR should also look into what appeals to different markets due to a diverse workforce. According to American Express, it is critical for success that “each company has its customized well-being philosophy and design because there is no one design that will work for everyone. Successful wellbeing programs are aligned with individual company cultures and employee needs.”

Question 1

Employers, by law, have a responsibility to provide a safe workplace and to create a culture of well-being for employees, but by principle, it is the responsibility of all people in the organization. Identify the responsibility of the Human Resources leader, Performance Managers, and individual employees, respectively in creating a culture of well-being. Some ideas for consideration:

  1. Human Resource leader: policies, procedures, education, awareness, and enforcement.
  2. Performance Managers: emphasizing coaching skills in managing workplace OSH and wellbeing-related issues.
  3. Individual employees: Open mentality, sharing concerns, and taking ownership in identifying/reporting any OSH and wellbeing-related issues

Question 2

In the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by a massive 25%, according to a scientific brief released by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Following that, employee well-being is now considered essential to business and organizational success. By referring to this website, analyze the suitability of the program in the Malaysian workforce using the SWOT analysis.

Question 3

A good well-being program can be less effective if there are no takers. Imagine if you are a newly appointed Human Resources Manager managing the OSH portfolio in the Company and reporting to Mr. Butch Clas. He decided to execute the well-being program with NALURI. Propose the action plan to promote and increase the enrolment of the program by referring to the Weaknesses and Opportunities identified in the above SWOT analysis to help employees develop their long-term healthy habits.

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