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The authors sought to understand the types of parent involvement that teachers, parents, and students believe affect the academic achievement of adolescent learners at the high school level. Research that included focus groups, interviews, and surveys indicated that teachers and students believed that parent involvement at school was considered less important to a child’s academic achievement than parent involvement in academics at home. In addition, parents rated themselves as more participatory in academics than did their children or high school teachers.
At the heart of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 is a promise to strengthen America’s education system and raise the academic achievement of all students. Well-trained teachers can provide effective instruction so that students perform at their highest academic potential and that “no child is left of their behind.”
The law recognizes that parents are their children’s first and most important teachers, and for students to succeed in school, parents must participate actively in their children’s academic lives. Parents need to become involved early and stay involved throughout the school years.
Many educational sociologists believe that adolescence is the most complex social period in the life of an individual. During adolescence, rapid physical, emotional, and intellectual changes occur, as well as an intense preoccupation with questions of personal identity peer group expectations, and normative values (Fenwick, 1987). Throughout this critical time in a teenager’s life, families and schools need to work together.
Families provide the social, cultural, and emotional supports that youth need to function well in school. Schools provide opportunities for children’s positive interactions with significant adults and other adolescents to enhance their home experiences and to support their continued development and related learning. Our purpose in this study was to understand the types of parent involvement that teachers, parents, and students believe affect the academic achievement of adolescent learners at the high school level.
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