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The owners of the company are eager to have a high-quality website and have asked you to provide them with information about how other sites meet the needs of the site owners.
You should research two websites that have a similar purpose and/or are in a similar area of business.
You must:
You should consider any positive or negative aspects of the two sites. Use specific examples of these to support the points you make in your report.
The owners of the company would like to see some initial designs for the website before you start developing it.
Create comprehensive designs for the website which include:
You should use the Set Assignment Information and what you learned through your research in Activity 1 to inform your designs.
You now need to seek feedback in order to improve the quality and appropriateness of your designs. You must:
You must provide justification of your design decisions, including how you responded to any feedback you received. You should include:
This could be in the form of annotations on the designs or as an additional piece of written evidence.