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2. All work must be submitted in the mode instructed by the course/subject lecturer.
3. Work submitted under the student’s name must only be the work of that student. All information sources must be acknowledged, by providing a reference to the source both within the text and in the form of a reference list or bibliography at the end of the submission. Not to do so is plagiarism, which is academic misconduct and will be dealt with as set out in the rules and regulations as stated in Academic Regulation Cyberjaya College Central.
4. You should provide your word count at the end of your report/essay/written work unless instructed otherwise. This should exclude your abstract, contents page, reference list/bibliography, and appendices. You must not exceed the permitted word count by more than 10%. If your work is significantly shorter, you will probably have failed to provide the level of content required.
5. If you submit work after the submission deadline, a mark of zero (0%) will be awarded. However, the Course/Subject Lecturer may comment on the quality of the work for learning purposes.
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