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This group project involves the development of simple real-world web-based
systems using the selected languages and tools.
Your task is to write a report on the design and development of your project. The report should contain the following information. This is just the basic guideline for your report but you can provide additional information where you
feel necessary:
Each group needs to choose one title from the below selection. A selection must be made during the lab section.
The project titles are given below:
1. Malaysian Medicinal Plants and Herbs Database System
2. Plants Disease Database System
3. Web Design and Content Management System
4. Health, Nutrition, and Diet Guide System
5. Children’s Math Learning System
6. Children Language Learning System
7. Leave Application System
8. Kids Preschool Learning System
9. Point of Sales (POS) Management System
10. Pharmacy Inventory Management System
11. University Venue Management System
12. Staff Payroll Management System
13. Web-Based Travel Guide System
14. Library Management System
15. Food Ordering System