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Puan Saleha, Head of the Sales Department, has instructed her sales staff to follow her instructions without question. Problems arise because the sales staff do not agree with her management style. Some have requested the intervention of the HR Department.
Puan Rozi, Head of the HR Department, called for a meeting with each of the sales staff to listen to their grievances. As she listen to their problem, she wondered how she was going to convey the situation and propose suggestions to Puan Saleha, knowing that the latter comes from the old management school of thought.
Puan Rozi is now in a dilemma. She has to effectively control the internal dissatisfaction among the sales staff of her organization, without jeopardizing their relationship with the superior.
Heavy Rich Sdn. Bhd. Is one of the well-known freight forwarders in Terengganu. Encik Ramli, the company’s director and also the owner of the company build this company 10 years ago with a total number of 50 employees. Most of the employees come from local areas and do not have high education levels. Encik Ramli is very dedicated to his company and also maintains a good relationship with all of his workers.
The problem starts when Roslan takes over his father’s responsibility as the company’s director. With Zainal on his side as the personal assistant, Roslan is now focusing more on how to expand their business outside Terengganu and leaving the management problem to Zainal. Unlike his father, Roslan is not keen on developing a good relationship with his staff. That is why most of the time, workers will try to avoid talking with Roslan as he seems not very comfortable with them and does not understand the issues that have been discussed.
Zainal on the other hand misuses his power by providing only certain information that he thinks is necessary to the workers. Workers are not been updated with the latest information from the management resulting in their service and performance being complained about by the customer. Some important points for example company goals and targets, job descriptions, job opportunities, and delays in giving commissions or bonuses normally will be left out and forgotten.
Whenever there is a meeting, Roslan will ask Zainal to gather all employees in the meeting room that can accommodate only 30 people. So, some of the employees tend to avoid coming to the meeting. Most of the time, the room cramp with all employees and they start talking and making noise. At the end of the meeting, everyone seems lost and does not even listen and remember what Roslan said in the meeting as Roslan usually uses complicated words that cannot be understood by the workers.
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