HBU112 Pertahanan Awam Tugasan UITM Contoh Malaysia/ HBU112 Civil Defence I Assignment UITM Example Malaysia

This course will introduce you to many aspects of emergency management, from the functions and duties that are involved in an event like this one all the way down how first aid can be used as well. We’ll also discuss techniques for managing victims or even just creating people proficient at providing medical care if needed!

One of the most important things to remember when it comes to emergency management though is that there is no one right way to do things. Emergencies can be chaotic and ever-changing, so it’s important that everyone involved is comfortable with making quick decisions on the fly.

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These are the questions that can be asked in HBU112 CIVIL DEFENSE I Assignment. By the end of this course, Malaysian students will be able to answer the following questions.

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Assignment Activity 1: Mempamerkan nilai dan sikap positif dalam semua aktiviti badan beruniform Pertahanan Awam 1/ Demonstrate positive values ​​and attitudes in all activities of the Civil Defense uniformed body 1

Civil Defense sets a very positive example for students. They work to demonstrate respect, kindness, and good citizenship in all that they do. For instance, when working with peers or community members, these essential traits are taught through words and actions on a daily basis.

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Civil Defense personnel also make great emergency management references for presentations – they can talk about live scenarios of how disasters might be handled through hands-on experience derived from the day-to-day operations of their position.

  • First, make a commitment to serve your community by joining Civil Defence at all stages of our disaster management cycle.
  • Second, wear the Civil Defence uniform with pride and professionalism as you execute these important tasks in service to your City-State.
  • Third, exert yourself fully to carry out these duties faithfully and have faith that challenges will be met successfully. The successful execution of the responsibility entrusted to you will enhance the safety and security of society by protecting lives and property from devastation during emergencies.
  • Fourth, always maintain the good image of Civil Defence by upholding the values we cherish: Respect, Kindness and Good Citizenship.
  • Last but not least, be a part of the change. Embrace Civil Defence’s vision and contribute to making our community a safe place for everyone.

Assignment Activity 2: Menunjukkan hubungan yang baik melalui kerja berpasukan bagi setiap aktiviti Unit Badan Beruniform Pertahanan Awam 1/ Demonstrate good relationships through teamwork for each activity of the Civil Defense Uniformed Corps 1

The Civil Defense Uniformed Corps (CUDC) strives towards fostering strong, healthy relationships within interdisciplinary teams for work to be done. Sometimes, our units are called out on assignments outside of our jurisdictions and we need to collaborate with other departments or agencies in order to complete the task at hand; this scope of responsibility sets the CUDC apart from other units. I think one example of American Civil Defense cooperation can best illustrate what it means for us as individual members of the organization to support team efforts-remember that preparation starts at home! It also takes place nationwide amongst all Americans nationwide protecting civilian lives, property and infrastructure. Sometimes people lose sight of this because they believe that Civil Defence is only about the aftermath of an incident-an example would be natural disasters.

However, it’s important for all members to realize that Civil Defense is much more than disaster response; I believe this because our primary purpose is to work together with others in order to prevent emergencies from happening. For instance, there are many chemicals that are harmful if not treated properly, and we need to work with other agencies to ensure that these types of incidents don’t happen. That’s why the Civil Defense is so important-it provides a way for us to come together and work towards a common goal.

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