This assignment seeks to enhance the students’ knowledge of the various development policies that have been formulated: Construction Economics Assignment, UiTM, Malaysia


Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)

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Individual Assignment


Construction Economics

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This assignment seeks to enhance the students’ knowledge of the various development policies that have been formulated in Malaysia towards urbanization and housing strategies implemented within the urban areas in Malaysia. It also seeks to develop and sharpen the students’ skills of observation, encouraging the students to make inferences from evidence of the physical environment and statistical data gained from various sources.

  • The National Physical Plan 3 or Rancangan Fizikal Negara-3 (RFN-3) has identified six urban conurbations in Malaysia. Each conurbation consists of various urban areas according to the hierarchies as classified by the National Urbanisation Policy 2 or Dasar Perbandaran Negara 2 (DPN2). According to
    DPN2, the general function of urban areas comprises business facilities, housing, education, health, transportation, and recreational and social amenities for the local people. The growth of these urban areas is mainly driven by the business and trading sectors.
  1. Choose ONE urban area within the six Malaysian conurbations. This urban area should have undergone significant physical changes throughout its history, particularly over the past 10–20 years.
  2. Identify the designated hierarchy of the selected urban area. The identification process should provide evidence of all the characteristics of that particular urban area according to its hierarchy
  3. Document the evolution of the selected urban area through time. Documentation could include illustrations of the physical environment showing patterns of development, architectural typologies, etc as well as descriptions of the evolving functions of the place and its role in society.
  4. Discuss the key forces which resulted in changes in land value and land use in the selected urban area. These forces may include, for example, changes in the economic function of the place, social structure, introduction of new public infrastructure, changes in land use classifications, or application of a particular vision of the urban area. Statistical data such as the trend in land price or rent should be provided as a supplement to your discussions.

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