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Imagine you are starting a new company. Write the details about the company plus the details of the product e.g., manufacturing processes, materials needed and their criteria, product specifications and features, costs as well as its limitations.
Write the assignment based on the following guidelines:
Introduction of the company
The objective of the company
Discuss the product and its cost
a) Product
b) Fixed Cost
c) Variable costs
d) Price the product
e) Profit / Loss
f) Breakeven point
g) Limitations
Syarikat Zack Maja has been in business since 1999. The company produces computer equipment for corporate sectors. The business sustains because the product is quality and the company always offers a reasonable price. Table 1 below shows the output and total cost for the company for quartile 1 in the year 2021.
Based on the table, answer all the questions below.
Output in unit | Total Cost (RM 000.00) |
0 | 15 |
50 | 30 |
100 | 45 |
150 | 60 |
200 | 75 |
250 | 90 |
300 | 105 |
Table 1: Output and total cost for Syarikat Zack Maja
Additional info: Price per unit: RM 400.00
Find the breakeven point for this organization. Prepare the curve to show this situation.
When the price increase to 12.5% per unit, find the new breakeven point for the organization.
Explain in detail, what factor can increase the price and relate the factor with the current situation and the impact on the demand. To answer this question, you need to attach the latest citation.
If you are one of the top management, what should you do to maintain this business in the long term? Give your suggestions or recommendations. Your answer must be related to the business of this company.
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